I Don't Love You...Yet

Unfinished Sentences

Elena's P.O.V.
After I hugged Mikey I knew it was time.
I opened the door just to see my brother holding on, his life determined by the power of the machines.

"Oh, finally I thought you were going to let you're brother die." said dad, or better yet I'm going to call him by his name Joshua.

"Shut the fuck up! Don't you even start!." I snapped at him as I approached my brother, I sat down on the chair next to him.

"I'll leave you 2 alone, for now." he said laughing as he left the room.

"Oh my God Jake, I'm sorry, I never should have left you alone, if I would have just called maybe you wouldn't be like this." I said crying while holding his hand.

"I know you can hear me, I promise I'm not going to let him do anything more to hurt you, even if I have to kill him myself, I swear." I said to him meaning every single words I said.

Frank's P.O.V.

I saw as Elena talked to Mikey, she is just so beautiful I can't help but look at her all the time; it was then when I realized I felt jealous when she hugged Mikey. I saw she gave him an envelope, I wonder what that’s all about, he stashed it and then she left to see her brother; I hope she's going to be ok.

We were listening to Elena thanks to the phone and we heard the coldness of her father right from the beginning.
Then he came out of the room luckily there were a lot of people in the waiting room, so we didn't look suspicious looking guys or anything.
This was the first time I saw her father, he was definitely bigger than her, I could just imagine what he could have forced her to do, I got mad just thinking about it.
He walked around the hallway and stayed at the other end of it talking on the phone, but to far from us for us to hear.

We were still listening to Elena even tough she was alone in the room, it was clear that she was crying.

"Poor girl." said Gerard.

"Whoa, wait what?, did she just say kill or did I hear wrong?." asked Ray.

"I think she did, and I also think she is serious about it." cleared Bob.

Then there was silence, she stopped crying and talking. But we knew she was ok, because her dad was still outside the room.

"Hey Frank, what happened when you guys where going to open the door?." asked Gerard.

Nosy Bastard! He remembers everything! God!.

"Nothing." I said clearly not wanting to say nothing about that situation.

"Come on, dude." said Bob.

"I said nothing good; we kissed and... " Was all I could say before I was interrupted by Bob.

"And that’s bad?." he said.

"Dude that’s great!." said Mikey.

"Yeah." said Ray and Gerard at the same time.

"If you let me finish you'll see my point." I said aggravated by them.

"As I was saying I kissed her, then I told her I loved her and..." I was interrupted again, this time by Ray.

"Dude that’s great! But so not the time." he said.

"Yeah dude." said Gerard.

"Maybe all tough it could also help her." said Mikey.

"It would?." asked Bob.

"Yeah it would give her you know, like, strength and support." answered Mikey.

"HEY! Could I finish my fucking sentence?." I yelled, everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"Fine." all of them said at the same time.

"After I said to her that I love her, she just... was shocked and then she said: We should go." I finished remembering.

"Wow dude, I'm sorry, but maybe she's scared or just overwhelmed by the whole situation." said Ray.

"Yeah, she can only take so much." said Gerard.

"I know." I said.

"Don't worry, maybe give her some time, you know, when all of this shit is fixed." said Mikey.

Apparently I was going to have wait until this is all fixed a little bit more since at that moment her dad entered the room again, and apparently did something to her that made her scream.
Me and the guys were scared for her, but decided to wait a little more just to see if she talked again.
Me I just wanted to go in but I know many things can go wrong if I do.