I Don't Love You...Yet

Yes Mr. Iero, I Mean Frank, I Mean Frankie

Jake's P.O.V.

I was bummed at the idea of not taking any classes with Elena, but I can't do anything about it.
As I said goodbye to Elena I started walking to my homeroom Math, God! how I hate that class, as I entered the room I saw an empty seat in the back, perfect, as I was approaching my seat I heard the basic emo/fag comments from the jocks, I just hoped that Elena will be all right, god how I protected her, I just hope she's ok.

Elena's P.O.V.

As I was looking out the window, I heard gasps and oh my gods coming from the emo kids so I knew something important has happened. Boy was it ever so important.
I turned my head and I looked at the teacher's desk, there he was... Frank fucking Iero! My hero!, what was he doing here? I was in utter SHOCK I got very quiet as I started listening to his voice as he started talking.

"Okay, my name is Frank Iero, I know some of you might now who I am and others don't, those who know me may call me Frank or better yet Frankie, those who don't know me SHAME ON YOU! Just kidding you may call me Mr.Iero.
Well basically I am your music/dance teacher for this year, I've always wanted to do this so here I am, I'm not like most teachers, I am very liberal, cool and funny, but don't get carried away, I can get pissed off really fast. This class is going to be very different some of my "friends" will be coming and helping us on different things and there will be no WRITING in this class, I'll go easy on you today, talk to you 1 by 1 personally so I can get to know you guys and also see in what you specialize.".

As he started to talk to the ones in front of me I got nervous and I had to relax, so I took out my I-Pod and started to drift away into my own little world, and drifting, and drifting and drifting that was until I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Mr.Iero, I mean Frank, I mean Frankie, damn it!.

"Can I sit down?." He said while pulling a chair next to me.

"Yeah sure." I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Ok, I very nosy so tell me about you, I'll just listen." He said looking very innocent and strangely blushing!

"Um ok, well my name's Elena Michaels, um I'm 17, I'm what people call an "emo" although I don't like being called it, I love music and dance especially Rock music, my favorite band is..".

"Let me guess My Chemical Romance?." He said smiling gently.

"Um yep, um I don't think there's anything else to say.” I finished off saying.

"Ok, that enough for now I guess, so what do you want to specialize this class in?." He said.

"Well I play the electric guitar, but I also dance...".

"Really? very nice, so what kind of dance?." he said becoming more interest by the second.

"Thanks, um mostly ballet and contemporary." I said a little embarrassed.

"Wow, incredible." He said genuinely interested and impressed.

"Thank you.". I responded.

"So what do you wanna specialize in?." He said taking out a pen and his list then he started staring at me waiting for a response.

"Oh um I don't dance anymore so I guess music in electric guitar." I said.

"Oh ok, but why don't you dance anymore?." He said very intrigued.

"Well I guess you can say that I'm retired because I got injured." I said hesitantly.

"Oh um ok, so I'll just write it down." he said while he was getting up all the sudden he dropped his pen I got down and I reached for it, BIG MISTAKE! as I got up and handed him his pen and I just saw him staring with his eyes looking at me shocked, I realized I had messed up my hair and my bang had moved so my black eye was showing, when I noticed this I immediately fixed my hair and turned on my I-Pod and lowered my head hoping he didn't saw anything, no such luck...

"Can I see you after class, I'll write you a note." He said smiling gently.

"Ok." I said regretting picking up his goddamn pen.

Minutes went by and the bell rang, I got up and put on my My Chemical Romance messenger bag on and walked slowly towards his desk.

"Sit down, please." he said patting a chair next to him.

As I sat down he started.
"Look I know you know I saw, I don't want to be the nosy teacher who's calling the parents every time, I believe I should give you a choice, I just want you to know that you can talk to me and I'll help you on anything you need help on..." He said with all seriousness and sincere interest in the world.

"Um first of all thank you, second I want to thank you for giving me the choice because frankly calling me parents won't solve anything it'll just make it worse, and third I would really like to talk to you but right here in school would just make me uncomfortable." I said/

"I understand, in fact here... " He started writing an address, his address and also the late note.

"If you want to talk about it just come here, at anytime any day, ok?." He said with a gentle voice, giving me the paper, as he gave me the paper he left his hand on top of mine, I didn't mind but I just didn't want him to lose his job.

"Thanks Mr.Iero." I said softly.

"As I told you don't call me that... makes me feel old, I'm only 20, call me Frank better yet Frankie, please." He said smiling.

"Ok Frankie." I said laughing as I was walking out of the classroom, suddenly I heard him say:

"Don't hesitate to come all right?." He said smiling and surprisingly blushing.

All I did was lower my head, a clear sing of blushing.

He wanted me to come? Oh my god, he's only 20 maybe... stop it, he's famous I'm not, that'll never happen...

As the day went by, the final bell rang, I met up with Jake in front and even tough he know about "Mr. Iero" I told him EVERYTHING about the conversation with him.

"So when are you going?." Jake asked me while putting his arm around my shoulders.

"I don't think I should, it would just be awkward, besides I just think he gave me his address so I wouldn't feel alone or something like that." I say trying to deny everything to myself.

"You know that’s not true, and you also know you want to go there." he said.

"God! You know me to well." I said laughing.

"So when are you going to go?." Jake asked me.

"I don't know when I feel like it, next week maybe...".

"So what time tonight?." He does know me to well.

"I don't know, probably when mom and dad are out and when Josh's asleep, I don't want to deal with them." I said.

We just kept on walking home, I already want it to be night already!.