I Don't Love You...Yet

Dad's Gone, A Night Of Peace... Or Is It Really?

Frank's P.O.V.

Wow, I never tough I'd get the job as a music teacher, I mean I'd love to teach and be a cool teacher to but with the fame I have with the band -not to sound cocky or anything- well I just never tough they'd hire me, I tough they'd think I'd start riots or some other shit like that.

I started the day with my homeroom, they seemed good, the usual classified groups were very noticeable starting with the nose job crew I mean the preps, then the jocks, the nerds, and the underdogs the emo's, I just don't know how people don't realize what there doing, fucking 21st century, everyone is the same some just look different!.

As I introduced myself to the kids that didn't know me I started talking with the class 1 by 1, talking and getting to know them and what are they're musical talents, I just think is better, more confidence no one feels rejected, as I got to the back of the class I saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, she was about 5'3, she's 17, she had long black hair, she was pale skinned, and had the most beautiful gray almost purple eyes, she was clearly an "emo" -god I hate that word!- she was dressed so beautifully and she was hot! My stomach filled with butterflies and I got extremely nervous anyway I sat down and talked to her, way more personally that I did with the rest of the kids, and I think she noticed my interest growing by the second, as I was leaving my pen fell down she picked it and when she got up I saw something that SHOCKED me and also very much worried me, she had a BLACK EYE!
That beautiful face, who the hell had done that to her?.

When she noticed my surprised face she immediately freaked out, I told her to stay after class, as the minutes went by the bell rang I saw her taking deep breaths and walking very slowly when she got to my desk I asked her to sit down she did as told I didn't want to pressure her to tell me but I offered to be there to listen to her, so I gave her my address hoping she did come, I so wanted to be with her not as her teacher, but as a friend, was I wrong to give her my address that fast?, what if she freaked out and isn't coming? God! She’s only 17 Frank!. But coming to think of it I'm 20 that’s not to old, as the rest of the day went by I was counting the seconds until the last bell rang...

When it did, I think I was out of there before the kids... I got in my car and I saw her, with a guy's arm around her neck! Does she have a boyfriend? Shit!

I live with Gee, Mike, Bob and Ray-Ray so when I got home they where asking me about my first day as a teacher, so I told them EVERYTHING, even about Elena.

"Cool, she has the same name a Grandma." said Mikey.

"Dude, I think you freaked her out." Said Bob, teasing, getting back at me for teasing him about his right to choose his favorite superhero.

"Really?." I said.

"Dude, chill out I think you're freaking out to much, give it time, besides you'll get to see her again after all she's YOUR student." said Ray with Gerard agreeing.

"But what do you think about the black eye and she almost agreeing that something was wrong." I said in total need of some fucking Skittles!.

"Come on calm down, you gave her your address to talk about her problems and you helping her, so she'll come when she most needs you." said Gerard.

"Unless she goes to her boyfriend." Said Bob still teasing Frank.

"That's is motherfucker, you're going down." I said while tackling Bob from the couch to the floor.

"Shit, ok, ok I'm sorry, let go..." Said Bob while Ray, Gerard and Mikey were laughing.

"Say Please Oh Lord Frank of the Land of Red Skittles show you're mercy on me." I said wanting him to feel degraded.

"No!, aw shit ok... Please Oh Lord Frank of the Land of Red Skittles show you're mercy on me..." Said Bob almost crying out of pain but I think it was humiliation.

"Okay." I said while I got up and off of him.

"Don't worry Frank, I think that when she comes you can help her and give her some "Extra Credit"..." Said Gerard wiggling his eyebrows and grinning a cheesy smile, while the other guys joined him in it laughing in unison, obviously making fun of "Mr. Iero".

“Shut up, I would never do that..." Should I?.

Elena's P.O.V.

As I got home, and me and Jake changed clothes, I went downstairs and I saw a note that basically said that dad and his children would be going on a vacation for the rest of the week, so they wouldn't be home till next Monday, what the fuck? School just started and they are already taking a vacation?, and as usual left us here my mom could care less, no food, no money, great!

"Did you see that note?." I said to Jake.

"Yeah, that's fucking messed up, something’s wrong here." He answered.

"Yeah, but at least it's you me and mom, well on the other hand it's just you and me." I said getting sad at the fact that my mom could care less about us, and now I know that it wasn't just dad but also the drugs.

"Yeah don't worry, you know I won't let you starve or anything else right?." he said pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah I know..." I said.

"So this would be a perfect time for you to go to Frank's house, since dad isn't here." He said with a grin on his face.

"Yeah maybe... I guess, so are you still going to go out with the guys?." I asked wanting him to get out for once, he's always in the house with me making sure dad doesn't try anything.

"Um maybe, don't you want me to here with you?." He said acting again all brotherly.

"Nah, I mean your always here protecting me, and besides dad not here, go." I said really wanting him to go, not only for him to have fun but for me to go to Frank's house without him watching me.

"Well, your right, hey aren't you going to Frank's house tonight?." He said with a grin.

"No, I'll talk to him tomorrow at school, I'll just feel too weird in his house, I'm just going to work on my music and my stories tonight, since I have peace and quiet." I lied to him for the first time, but I really did want to stay home and work on some lost things like my music and my stories, I really didn't know what to do.

"Besides if anything happens I'll call you or you can call me all right?." I added.

"Ok, I’m going to go change and go, ok?." He said while kissing my forehead.

"Yeah go." I said.

I went up the stairs to my room, I took out my I-Pod, my notebook, a pen and my guitar and placed them on my queen sized fluffy bed, I closed the curtains, turned up the stereo so I could hear it in the bathroom while I showered, I stripped down in front of the mirror, I stood there as I looked at my body, God! how I hated myself I was ugly, my dad told me so, even tough Jake always said I was beautiful. I turned one the hot water, I got in I stood there motionless as the water hit my body and relaxing my tense muscles, I listened to MCR in my stereo, Demolition Lovers to be exact.
As I finished up my shower I went to my closet pulled up -I don't know why because I wasn't going out, maybe it was just my instincts- some tight black skinny jeans, a black and purple lacy top, I pulled out a Misfits hoddie and my black converse.
I got dressed, I dried my hair and applied purple eye shadow and black eyeliner, I really don't know why I was dressing up so much.

I turned of the stereo, laid down on my bed and tuned up my guitar and opened up my notebook and started writing pieces of something that I think was a song, all the sudden I heard someone coming up the stairs and I knew it wasn't Jake, I knew it was the devil himself... DAD.
"What the fuck is he doing here?." I said to myself, trying to figure out what to do, I got up took out an empty backpack out of my closet and put in it my I-Pod, my cell phone, my keys, some extra cash, my notebook, and my pen.
I heard banging on my door...

"Open the fucking door you little bitch, I know your in there and I also know Jake isn't here to defend you, you're all alone." He said with a voice that haunts my mind and I could easily tell that he was drunk, that he was drugged and that he really wanted to hurt me in so many ways.

I freaked out, I started crying my eyes off just thinking of what he could do to me, since I was alone all I did was to take my bag and I climbed out the window, I still heard him banging his energies away at the door. I got down thanks to the tree outside my window, and I ran, and I ran, and I ran, when I got far from where I lived I really didn't want to bother Jake because I was safe, I wanted him to have fun tonight not to worry him, so the only place I could go was the place I didn't want to go...

I walked very paranoid, watching everything that moved, but since my luck is so good... it started raining but really really hard, with thunder and all that other shit, so I pulled up my hoddie hoping to get there faster... as I reached his house I saw that the lights were on and suddenly went off, was I about to disturb him as he was going to bed? I wanted to turn around but this was the only place I could go, oh god, here goes nothing, so I rang the doorbell...

Frank's P.O.V.

Since I got home basically the guys and I didn't do pretty much anything except for writing a couple of new songs for the new cd were doing, and as the sun went down it started to rain really but really hard, so the guys and I cooked up some food, and we had a big bunch of junk food, skittles, gummy bears, soda and beer, we decided since the ambiance was good, we would watch scary fucking movies, we took all the food to the living room and as soon as I turned off the lights and sat down the doorbell rang.

"Don't worry I'll get it." I said to the guys.