I Don't Love You...Yet

Hot Shower And Stares All Around

Monday Night.
Jake's P.O.V.

I was a little apprehensive leaving Elena all alone in the house tonight in case something happened, even tough I loved being with her I really wanted to go out tonight with the guys it's been such a long time, I mean if anything went wrong she would call me.

Frank's P.O.V.

As I turned off the lights and sat down the doorbell rang.

"Don't worry I'll get it." I said to the guys.

I got up and I turned on a little lamp besides the front door, I opened it.
Seeing as I didn't recognize the person I said...

"How may I help you?." I said as I looked at the dripping wet hodded person.

"I don't know, maybe you can tell me." The girl said while taking off her hoddie, it was Elena, she obviously had been crying it wasn't the rain I could see that from her washed out eyeliner on her cheeks, even then she looked so beautiful.

"Oh my God, Elena!, come in." I said getting out of the way.

"I didn't mean to interrupt, I'm sorry." She said as she noticed that the guys were awake and staring at her.

"Don't be silly you didn't, ahem! guys this is Elena." I said while making faces to make them stop staring.

"Hi I'm Gerard, this is my brother Mikey, thats Ray and that's Bob." Gerard said pointing to all of them.

"Hi." I said to all of them.

"Um, well nice to meet you were gonna go back to our movie, right guys?." Said Gerard so I could be alone with Elena.

All the guys nodded in agreement.

"Come to the kitchen, here let me take your hoddie." I said since the kitchen was the warmest place in the house, well.. that I could take her and not look like a pervert.

"Ok, thanks." She said as she started taking off her hoddie revealing a purple and black lace top, WOW!, is all I could say.

"Sit down in the counter let me take this to the dryer." I said as I left.

Elena's P.O.V.

Oh god my heart skipped a beat when he opened the door, as he recognized me his hole face lit up... why? was all I could ask myself.
As he let me in I immediately saw the rest of the guys in the living room, they all scrambled and came to introduce themselves, I was in shock!, meeting my favorite bandall tough not the conditions I wanted.
I couldn't help but notice that Frank looked amazing, he was in tight jeans ripped at the knees and a t-shirt.
He invited me to the kitchen and I gave him my dripping wet hoddie and he went into the back.
He took particularly long, I really wasn't feeling good, as I waited I rested my head in my hands.

I felt a touch in me shoulder...
"Hey, are you ok?." Frank said to me as he say on the other side of the kitchen counter.

"I don't know..." I said.

He came to my side and put his hand on my forehead, only to reveal I was burning up.
"Oh my god, you're burning up, look you should take a shower." He said, me a what? in his house?.

"I can't I don't..." I said but I was interrupted by him.

"Don't worry I'll get Mickey to led you some of his clothes till your's dry in the dryer, how does that sound?." He said, should I?.

"Um, ok, where do I go?." I said getting up.

"Up the stairs 1st door on the left." He said smiling gently, oh god he looks so good!

"Ok." I said as I went up the stairs, his house felt really... I don't exactly know, but it felt good being there, somehow.

Frank's P.O.V.

As I told her my bright idea, God! I hope she doesn't think I'm a pervert, I went to the living room.

"Mikes I need for you to give Elena some clothes." I said.

"Dude what!, first off what's going on? second why what is she going to do? third what are you going to do? and fourth why the heck my clothes?." Ge said, god what is so difficult what I requested.

All the guys looked at him weird but were all really interested in my answers...

"Ok... I still don't know what's going on, she's going to take a shower since she burning up! she can't possibly stay in wet clothes all night, I'm not gonna do anything...bad I mean, and your clothes because your the skinniest here and she might be just the same size as you." I said them I regained back my breath.

"Ohhh." all of them said in unison, crazy asses.

Elena's P.O.V.

I reached the bathroom, I stood in front of the mirror and looked at the ugly reflection in the mirror... all the sudden I was scared by a knock on the door.

"Elena? It's Mikey." said Mikey.

"Oh, ok." I said as I opened the door.

"Here are some clothes, hope they fit, do you know how to work hot and cold taps in the shower?." he said.

"Thanks and I think I can, but please show me how." I said, so he entered the bathroom and opened the shower curtain and turned on the hot tap.

"Thanks." I said as he left.

"No problem." Mikey said smiling.

I place my bag on the counter and stripped down my hair, I got in and just stood there in the shower while the hot steaming water numbed my muscles down.

I finished my steaming hot shower, and got dressed in Mikey's clothes, they fit pretty good he gave me some boxers, some short boxers and a Smashing Pumpkin's t-shirt, I took my clothes and took them downstairs to the room were I saw Frank earlier take my hoddie, I placed them inside and turned it on.

I went to the living room only to see them all stare at me... did I look all right?.