I Don't Love You...Yet

Wake Up! You've Got Nightmares And Mail

Elena's P.O.V.

I went down and saw all the guys staring at me like a piece of meat and they were the hungry dogs, so logically I started to get uncomfortable, apparently Mikey's clothes did! fit and they did notice, finally Gerard broke the silence and asked if I wanted to join them watching a movie, Freddy vs Jason.

I said yes even tough I already seen part of it but anyways, then Frank started to pat down the empty space their was for me to sit right there besides him, so I went and sat down, after 1 hour and so minutes I fell asleep right there in his chest.

... All the sudden I feel someone choking I started screaming as loud as I could, but I opened my eyes to see my dad, choking me and also groping me, consumed in his pleasure from doing these things to me... I screamed... NO DAD NO! PLEASE DON'T JAKE!

"WAKE UP!." said Frank while holding me.

"What!?." I said clearly not knowing what had happened of where I was, I just saw Frank and all the guys scared to death looking at me worried.

"You were having a bad dream sweetie..." said Ray.

"Oh, oh my god I'm so sorry to wake you up like this." I said while putting my head in my hands very embarrassed.

"No! Don't worry I used to have those, plus you could never bother us, ok?." Said Gerard

"Ok, um what time is it?." I said.

"It's 11:45 p.m." said Bob.

"Oh my God! Shit!, where's my bag?." I said.

"It's in the kitchen, wait I'll go look for it." said Gerard.

"Are you ok?." said Frank, god! was he so caring... I wonder.. I mentally slapped myself.

"Yeah." I said clearly lying.

"Here." said Gerard while handing me my messenger bag, as he gave me it, I immediately looked for my cellphone.

"Thanks, shit!" I had 15 missed calls, 26 messages and 17 voice mails.

"Shit! girl you're like the president." said Bob seeing on the screen all of it.

"Oh yeah, not likely Oh God! Jake!." I said when I saw they were from him he must be worried to death.

Jake's P.O.V.

Wow! after I left I meet up with some 'friends' there where just some people I knew not really friends, but anyway we went to this house party from some rich kids that there parents where vacationing in Vegas for 2 weeks, so I go there at about 8:30 p.m. and the fucking party was loaded! at 8:30! so anyways I danced, talked, drank and at about 10:00 p.m. I got tired of it, so I decided to go home and hang out with Elena.
I walked the way home and started calling her, and calling, and calling, I send her messages, and even voice mails, but she didn't pick up, I figured she was sleeping or listening to music.
When I got there I saw dad's car, SHIT! I ran into the house only to see that his kids weren't there, what the fucks up? I thought to myself, I went up the stairs to see mom up in her room doing her shit, and dad sleeping in front of Elena's bedroom door.

"Where were you?." dad said to me.

"Out." I said, where did the smart ass come from? Oh yeah I'm drunk.

"Yes I know that where exactly is out!." He said getting madder by the second.

"Do you really care? No!, so what are YOU doing sleeping in the hall like the drunks do?." I said, wow! I'm definitely drunk! ha ha, look at me talking about him being drunk, I'm not scared of him but I really don't bother talking to him.

"Huh? haha, no nothing son um so where your sister?." He said, what the fuck? He didn't yell at me? Somethings WRONG with capital letters, huh? I might be able to take advantage of this.

"I don't know, I'm not a psychic you know, why do you want her for?." I said really creeped out by him.

"Nothing. I'm going to bed." He said, wow he's really stoned or is he?.

As he left and went to bed, I checked her room and she wasn't there, neither her phone, of her bag oh god what if dad did something to her and she fled and now he's covering it up? what if in the streets something happened to her? shit I panicked and started calling her nonstop, after an hour I stopped calling and panicking. I just stared at the ceiling.... waiting for a response.
God, how could I be so stupid to leave her alone! I should never do that never! As the time passed by I fell asleep, damn alcohol.

Elena's P.O.V.

I panicked when I saw all of those calls from Jake, he must be worried to death, what id dad did something to him?.

"Excuse me I gotta call Jake it's and emergency!." I said really worried.

"Sure go ahead, we'll go to the kitchen come on guys." Said Mikey.

So I was alone in the living room and didn't even bother to see the messaged or heard the voice mails, I'll just call him.

My fingers started shaking as I started to dial the number.
I finally got it right and hit send, it rang and it rang, I hope dad didn't do anything to him! I should have warned him about that, I started crying just thinking about what dad could have done to him...
"Hello Jake? Are you there?." I said.

Frank's P.O.V.
The guys where sitting down on the table but me and Mikey where standing up in front of the sink.

"You think she's gonna be alright?." I said to the guys.

"Sure you'll see dude, when she get a hold of this 'Jake." Said Gerard not to tease me but to calm me.

"Dude you gotta admit she was freaked out!." Said Bob.

"Yeah, also when she was having the nightmare she was yelling out dad and Jake, what do you think that means." Said Ray, with a -think-about-that- tone, Ray would never tease so I knew she was serious.

I was worried about her but I was sad, who was this Jake, was it her boyfriend?.
That means I could never... shit! I gotta stop thinking that.