I Don't Love You...Yet

Phone Call And A Sleep Over?

Elena's P.O.V.

As I dialed Jake's number on my cell my heart rate grew faster and faster on every ring, when suddenly it stopped ringing...

"Hello? Jake is that you? Are you there?." I said.

Jake's P.O.V.

I was sound asleep when I heard my cellphone ringing and vibrating, I got up and looked for it in the sheets, I heard the tone it was MCR's Helena so it had to be Elena I picked it up.

"Hello? Jake is that you? are you there?." I heard it was Elena's voice.

"Yeah, oh my god, Elena are you all right?." I asked really freaked out on what could had happened.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm so sorry Jake I should have called you and warned you about dad being home." She said clearly starting to cry.

"Listen babe, stop crying dad didn't do anything to me ok? so please babe calm down." I said trying to calm her down.

"Listen are you ok?." I asked her remembering dad acting suspicious.

"Yeah, why?." She asked me.

"Because dad was really weird when I got home." I answered.

"Yeah? what happened?." she asked me.

"Well when I got home from the party I have to admit I was drunk I think I still am, anyways I saw dad's car so I freaked out and went inside and up the stairs just to see dad passed out in front of your bedroom door, and when he asked me shit I answered well... very drunk like and even insulted him, then he started being very nice to me, I just think he was stoned or planning something then he started to ask if I knew were you were and stuff like that I answered back and stopped him and then he just went to sleep as did I. But listen you really had me worried sick!." I said to her.

"Oh my God!." She said laughing.

"I'm sorry but that's new, what happened to me was when you left I took a shower and did my 'ritual' you know my music and lyrics, suddenly I heard dad drunk, stoned God knows what else banging at the door really wanting to hit me and abuse of only he knows what ways so I took my stuff put it in my bag and went out the window and I just ran." She said to me... wait! ran where?.

"Hey... I'm glad you're ok but were the hell are you!?." I asked her.

"..." Was all I heard.

"Elena!, where are you? I won't get mad you know that... tell me." I said to her.

"I'm at Frank's house... sorry." she said.

"Wait why sorry?, you know I don't mind I sorta tough you were going there." I said laughing.

"Ok... so what are we going to do?." She asked me.

"I don't know, but I think you should come back here, dad's weird and I don't wanna take any chances... can you stay over there till everything goes back to normal?." I said.

Elena's P.O.V.

"I don't know, but I think you should come back here, dad's weird and I don't wanna take any chances... can you stay over there till everything goes back to normal?." Jake said.

Wait what? Stay here, oh my God!.

"I don't know I know they won't mind, but me here?." I said to him.

"Lena, don't worry he wouldn't do anything bad to you besides you like him, it's all perfect." He said, I could tell by his tone he was grinning.

"WHAT THE FUCK?, no I mean, why?! Jake! he and uhg I no!." I said really stressing about this whole thing, I think the guys in the kitchen heard me.

"Lena it'll be fine, you can't come back here, and dad knows where all of our friends live so you wont be safe, look around one a clock at night I'll bring you your stuff. Bye babe, see you soon take care bye." He said as he hung up.

"Jake! don't." Oh no! here... it's too tempting!

As I recollected myself and hung up the phone, I went into the kitchen the guys were drinking coffee, I walked in...

"Hey! you ok?." Mikey said to me.

"Yeah!." I said with a smile in my face, I mentally slapped myself, stop smiling! whats there to smile about!.

"Um, guys I know you all are dying to know whats up with me and all that jazz and I'm going to tell you but before I do I have something to ask." I said.

"Sure ok, what's up?." Said Gerard.

"Can I stay over for a couple days?." I said feeling mixed emotions.

Silence is what grew in the room... I was afraid of that.