My Best Friends are Twins and One of Them Just Happens to be My Boyfriend

Ruining My Life

As soon as I walked out of the door, I saw him. Him and his ego, he is very attractive and you can bet that he knows it, too. “What do you I want? I’m kind of busy right now. It better not have anything to do with getting back together because that is never going to happen. You’re actually very lucky that I’m talking to you right now. I didn’t want to even come out here, but Alex and Aiden made me. You can thank them the next time you see them.”

“Are you finished yet?”

“Excuse me? You wanted me to come out here and talk so badly you went through my friends. You couldn’t even come ask me yourself and now you’re talking down to me. I don’t think so. This conversation is officially over now. Goodbye, Michael.” When I finished saying this to him I started walking back to the door to the club. I was ready to go back to my friends and possible boyfriend, hopefully.

“Izzy, wait. I didn’t mean it like that. I miss you. You never talk to me anymore. You ignore all my phone calls and won’t text me back. You don’t look or talk to me at school. I just want you back in my life, even if it’s only as a friend and not my girlfriend. I really do miss you. Please believe me.”

“I’m sorry Michael. You hurt me too badly for me to consider being friends with you right now. You deserved everything I’ve done.” This time when I walked away I didn’t look back when he started calling after me. I reached the door to the club without looking back at him and I didn’t intend to. It would just hurt me. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see the expression on his face. It could either confirm that he’s lying to me and just wants to worm his way back in so he can use me again or show that he’s telling the truth and that I’ve hurt him just as badly as he hurt me.

“So, you’re back. What did he say to you? You look as if you’re about to cry.”

“Alex, I don’t know what to do. He asked me to get back together with him. I don’t want to, but the look on his face when he said I hurt him, too. I just want to go home.”

Alex walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. “You’ll be okay. You don’t need him. He’ll just hurt you again, like the last two times you felt sorry for him and let him back in.” At this I started crying on his shoulder. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. “I’ll go find Aiden and we’ll go home. Do you want to stay over? Ryan could come, too. I know how much better he makes you feel.”

I couldn’t speak without hiccupping or without my voice cracking so I just nodded.

“I’ll be right back then.” Alex left the coatroom in search of Aiden. “Aiden, we’re leaving. Let’s go.” He said to Aiden when he finally found him.

“I just ordered food though. Can we wait until I get it, at least? I already paid for it.”

“Make it fast though. Izzy wants to leave. Oh, and she’s staying over. Ryan might, too, if she needs him. When I left her to find you, she was bawling. I should probably go back and see if she’s okay. When you get your food just meet us in the coatroom.

Several minutes later, Aiden joined Alex and me in the coatroom. He held a slice of pizza in his left hand. A troubled expression was on his face. “Isa, are you okay? He didn’t touch you, did he?”

“No, Aiden, he didn’t touch me.” I walked over and hugged him. “Let’s go home.”

Aiden wrapped his free arm around my waist as we walked out to the car. I noticed Michael was still here and sulking; although, he was surrounded by slutty girls. “I knew all he wanted was a piece of ass.”

“Forget about him, Izzy. He’s not even worth it.”

“Thanks guys. You always know what to do to make me feel better. Aiden?”

“Yes, Izzy?”

“Can I have a bite of that? Please.”

“It’ll cost you.”

Alex wasn’t paying attention to us, so I reached up and kissed him again. “Will that cover it?”

“You can have the rest of it, if you just do that again.”

“Aiden, I’m not that hungry.” I giggled at the eager expression on his face. We had reached the car and Aiden opened the door for me as Alex slid into the driver’s seat.

“I think I’m gonna sit in back with Isa.”

“Well, if you want the back, I can go sit up front.” Aiden looked as if I had just shot him in the chest. “Jeez, Aiden, I was just kidding.”

He let out the breath he had been holding. “I never did give you that bite of pizza.” He handed the slice over to me and I took the biggest bite I could without choking on it. “When you said bite, you didn’t say half the slice was going to be gone. You should give me a dollar for that. This wasn’t cheap.”

I just laughed at him. “You and I both know that, that’s never going to happen. You can just keep dreaming there, Aiden.”

Alex and Aiden had definitely lightened my mood by the time we got back to the house. I still wanted to stay over at their place, but I wasn’t sure I really needed to anymore. I wasn’t very good and pretending to feel sad and depressed, either. “We’re never going to get your parents to agree to it anymore. I’m too happy. You know I can’t make myself cry, either, like it would be believable if I could anyway.”

“Stop over-reacting. Our parents love you. They would let you stay over even if you had pneumonia I think. Although, I don’t like I would. I’m not a fan of being sick, wait that would mean no school for at least a week. If you ever get pneumonia, please come over to our house. Or better yet, I’ll come over to yours. Then, Alex wouldn’t have to get sick, too. We both know how crabby he gets when he has to miss school.”

We both started laughing. Alex was shooting daggers at us, metaphorically speaking, of course. His normally soft blue eyes had turned icy. “Jeez, dude, we didn’t mean it.”

“Isa, why don’t you and I stay at your place tonight and Alex can stay home and calm himself down. I don’t want to get hurt the moment we’re out of sight of the rents.”

“Well, that could still happen if you stay over at my house. It just might come a day later. It would probably be better to just get it over with and you know I give the world’s best massages. They will make you feel better if he kicks your ass tonight.”

Aiden just started grinning at the mere mention of ‘massage’. “What did I get myself into?”

“I think I should get a massage even if Alex doesn’t kick my ass.”

“That’s not going to happen tonight. We’re supposed to be making me feel better, not you.”

“Well, it would help me feel better. Then, I could put more energy into making you feel better.” He winked at me.

“Or, it would make you fall asleep like it does every other time I give you a massage.”

“I do not fall asleep. I’m just really relaxed.”

“Keep telling yourself that Aiden. Alex, do you guys have any ice cream. I want a root beer float.”

Alex just chuckled at how easily I could get distracted sometimes. “You always want root beer floats. I should’ve known you were going to ask for one. And of course, since our parents love you so much, we always have root beer and vanilla ice cream in the house. You really are a spoiled brat, and not just by your own parents. It would surprise me if something were to happen to your parents, if ours wouldn’t adopt you.”

“I wouldn’t be able to handle you two as brothers. Best friends is hard enough the way it is. Your parents wouldn’t be able to handle us together all the time anyway. At least this way, we aren’t always at your house.”

The three of us walked in the front door of the Sterling house. Their dog, Bear, immediately rushed in to greet us. Bear is a full grown German Shepherd, so she is rather large for an indoor dog. “Hi, baby. How’s my Bear doing today?” I bent down and petted her face. She wanted to lick me, but knew better than to lick me unless I wanted kisses from her. I swore to everyone, Bear was more my dog than theirs. “Let’s go, Bear, time to go upstairs.” She already knew we were headed to the entertainment room. That was where the three of us always slept when I stayed over. They had a couch with a pull out bed in front of a massive flat screen T.V. It wasn’t quite as big as a theater screen, but it was definitely larger than the T.Vs you could get at Wal-Mart or something. I loved staying over at the Sterling’s for the sole purpose of the movie watching experience.

“I’ll race you.” I said to the boys and I took the stairs two at a time.

“Izzy, that’s cheating. You automatically lose.”

“Alex, you’re just jealous that I can go upstairs faster than you can. Oh, can you get me that root beer float. Aiden and I can pick out the movie, since you know you’ll be back before we’ve agreed on one. Then, when you get in you’ll say a movie title and it will be one that we were arguing over. That movie ends up being the movie we watch every time. It never fails.”

“Okay. Is there anything else we want, while I’m downstairs?”

“Hmmmm. Definitely popcorn with M&Ms.”

Alex went back downstairs to get the snacks and Aiden came up behind me. “We’re alone.”


He turned me around to face him, leaned down and kissed me. I was expecting him to do this sooner or later and secretly wanted him to. Not that I would ever admit it to him. We stood there for several minutes before we realized Alex would be back up soon. “What movie should we watch?”

“One that will put Alex to sleep.”


“So, we can sneak back to my room and be alone for a little longer before we go to sleep.”

We looked through the movie titles. “No, that one won’t do.”

Alex came back into the room, “Of course you two haven’t picked out a movie.” He walked over to the shelf and grabbed one that we had overlooked. We glanced at the title and knew he would be out within the first five minutes.

We all sat on the couch and watched the screen as the previews came on.
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