Sequel: First Try

When the Day Met the Night

When The Moon Fell In Love With The Sun

If you walked in to the Music Circuit at exactly 9 am, you would see someone Indian sitting on the counter, sipping loudly on a Starbucks drink. This certain someone would also be reading a book - could be by Anne Rice, could be by Paolo Coelho, it didn't really matter.

This someone would be a girl.

Her name was Andy Daniels, she was 20 years old, and she worked at the Music Circuit.

Arantxa Taylor, or Tay, for short, walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Andy, customers are coming in, you'd better get rid of that," she said, nodding at the cup and book in her best friend's hand.

Andy sighed and nodded, closing the book, and setting it beside her. She drank whatever was left in the cup and tossed the empty plastic into the trash bin. Quickly uncrossing her legs, she hopped off of the counter, put on her 'work smile', and attended to the customers.

A good two hours later, a tall skinny man walked into the store. He wore a pair of large, dark shades over his eyes, a slightly loose black shirt, tight fit black jeans - which showed off his unbelievably toothpick legs - and a pair of white loafers on his feet.

He seemed like one of the normal customers Andy had to tend to at the store, but what she didn't know was this man was more important to her than she thought.

He walked over to the counter and leaned his hands on the surface, looking around for help. Andy straightened up from the squatting position she had behind the counter, after picking up the charms of her bracelet from the floor.

The man started, his eyes widening.

She looked at him, blinked a couple of times before putting down the objects in her hand, and smiled. "How can I help you?"

"Yeah, uh," he cleared his throat before continuing, his voice dropping to a whisper, "would you happen to have A Fever You Can't Sweat Out? It's an album by this band Pa-"

"Panic! At The Disco. Yeah, it's our best seller at the moment. You want me to go get you a copy?"

His cheeks burned and nodded.


Andy hopped over the counter top and walked over to an aisle, where the album needed was at. He followed closely behind her, looking around cautiously. She walked down the aisle slowly, looking for the right stack of CD's.

"You know what's weird?" Andy queried.


"One of my old childhood friends is in that band. We used to be really close. Aha. Found it." She pulled out a copy and handed it to him. "There you go."

He smiled and thanked her.

At the end of the aisle, a young teen's head jerked up and squealed, "It's Ryan Ross!"

The man turned abruptly, his eyes widening. "I, uh, have to go."

Andy stood there, staring at the man before her.

Could it really be?

"I'll pay you back!"

Having said that, the man we now know as Ryan Ross, ran out of the store with the album of his own band, Panic! At The Disco, not knowing at all that he was the one Andy referred to as her 'childhood friend'.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of a boring chapter for the story, but i promise it gets better. =D
