Sequel: First Try

When the Day Met the Night

Well He Was Just Hanging Around

After finishing the song, Ryan thought that Andy had gone to sleep, but she pulled back and grinned at him.

"Thank you, Ry, that was sweet. You have a really nice voice, you know?"

"Nah, Brendon's got the pipes."

"Oh, c'mon, you can't honestly believe he's the only that can sing. You can too, you should at least sing something in your next album," she smiled, crawling away from his lap and sitting in front of him.

"That's... pretty odd, don't you think?" he scratched the back of his head, extremely unsure if he should try it. "Besides, I would mess it up."

"At least try, for me?" she sang the last two words and held his hand, squeezing it lightly.

"Okay, I will."

"Yay," she giggled and let go of his hand. "Your turn to tell me your life story."

"Yeah, okay, so, well, we moved to Vegas. I'm pretty sure you know that bit."

Andy nodded.

"I met Spencer at school and we instantly hit it off. We'd go to each other's houses, like, everyday. Our parents didn't really care, as long as we got to do our homework. We started covering Blink 182 songs together after he got his first drum set. That's what we pretty much did the whole time."

"Cool, so you guys were like a two man band."

"Something like that. So yeah, we decided it would be really cool to start an actual band, so Spencer dug up this guy, Brent-"

"Wait a minute, dug up? You make it sound like he was dead!" Andy's eyes widened and Ryan chuckled.

"What I meant was, he was an old friend of his and they hadn't really been in touch for a while."

"Oh, just kidding. Anyway, go on."

"So yeah, and then after we've written a couple of melodies for the songs, I wrote the lyrics, and decided to sing. And guess what."


"I was horrible."

"No, you probably weren't!" Andy pushed him playfully. He fell back on the floor anyway.

"You're such a pansy, Ryan Ross. That wasn't even a hard push."

"I can't help it! I'm too thin! And if you don't believe me, go ask Spencer," he said, brushing his shirt off.



"Did Ryan suck at singing before?!"

"YES! Now shut up!"


"I don't believe him."

"You're just gonna have to, you didn't hear me back then," he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, but I heard you now, and you have to believe me when I say that your voice is beautiful."

Ryan blushed again, for the how manieth time that night. He cleared his throat before continuing.

"So, we looked around and found Brendon, and he was great. That's pretty much our story, really. Mine's not half as interesting as yours."

"Are you kidding? You're in a fucking band, Ryan. It doesn't get anymore interesting that that. But what I really wanna hear is about your love life."

"Oh, well, it's not that great really. There were just these random relationships I would get into, and then break it off with them a little while later. The first real relationship I had was with Jac, and that didn't really end well. I told you about that story already."

Ryan sighed and Andy smiled sadly. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm glad we found each other again, Ryan. I missed you so much."

"I did too."


"Aww, don't they look so cute?"

"Brendon, I'm telling you, go away and shut up."

"But I-"

Andy heard voices whispering. She already knew one of them was Brendon, and she was pretty sure that the other one was Jon.

What was going on? Seriously.

Her eyes fluttered open, and while her vision was still blurry she heard an 'oh shit, she's awake! move' from Brendon.

She noticed that she was quite warm and quite comfortable, which was odd, considering she fell asleep in the floor. Her vision cleared and the first thing she saw was a pair of lips and a chin. She startled a bit and moved back slightly.

Ryan frowned and squirmed a bit, reaching out before letting his arms fall flat on the floor.

What the hell happened last night.

"You guys make a funny couple," Brendon commented, handing her his camera. She took it and looked at the picture that was displaying already.

She had been cuddled up to Ryan, his arms wrapped around her protectively, and she had an evident smile on her face.

She blushed furiously before going and deleting the photo.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Brendon grabbed the camera back but it was too late. The picture was gone.

"Fuck you! You're so mean!"

"Boo, you whore," Andy quoted from The Mean Girls movie, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Well, that's okay, at least I don't have someone's morning wood raping my thigh," Brendon crossed his arms, and smirked at her.


Andy looked down and it was either Brendon was telling the truth or a stick had suddenly made it's way into Ryan's pants. Opting for the first option, she screamed and scrambled to her feet.

"Why are you all so noisy every time I try to sleep?" Ryan groaned, rubbing his eye, and sitting up.

Brendon snickered, "Maybe it's because you always seem to have a giant boner in your pants every time you're asleep."

Ryan looked down and blushed.

"Fuck you Brendon," he seethed, bunching up the blankets and placing them on his lap.

"With that? No thanks, I might die," he laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
my favorite video as of this morning.