Sequel: First Try

When the Day Met the Night

I'm A Stray Dog Sick

Another 2 months of touring, and they were heading home.

"Ryan... how do we do this?" Andy murmured, curled up against Ryan in his bunk.

They had both been worrying about how their relationship would work, what with Andy living 9 states away from him. At a loss for solutions, they just tried to spend as much time as they could together, while they still had the chance.

He had asked her to be his girlfriend a week after they had gone out. It was fast, but neither of them minded.

"I don't know, baby, I don't know," he whispered, stroking her cheek while staring up at the bunk above them.

Tay knew about them, everyone on Decaydance and Fueled by Ramen knew about them, all that was left was the press and the fans. Ryan planned on posting up a blog and a couple of pictures on their site as soon as they got home, but as soon as the word 'home' was mentioned, he and Andy would remain quiet and avoid looking at each other.

"Why don't... why don't you move in with me? We could stop at Las Vegas, fly to Jersey, get your stuff and fly back," he offered, turning his head to her.

"What about Taylor though? I can't just leave her there," she frowned, playing with the strands of hair that brushed his eyebrows.

He sighed. He couldn't move in with her either. He needed to stay in the same state as the band if they were going to be writing together.

"I love you," he told her, pressing his lips to her temple.

"You mean it?" she looked up at him. That was the first time he had said it to her. He had been hesitating too much and he felt that, if he let it go on that way, he would never be able to say it at all.

He nodded and stroked her hair. She stared at him for a little while. She didn't know if she was ready to say it back or not. She crawled on top of him, pressed her lips to his and murmured,

"I love you too."


"Do you guys want to stay a while? You know, meet Taylor and stuff?" Andy offered. The bus had parked at the front of her house and they were all waiting outside, Andy's small collection of souvenirs at her feet.

"I don't know, we really have to get home," Spencer answered, looking around at the other guys.

"I have a great idea! Why don't you guys sleep here first and then, fly back tomorrow or something? Please, guys? Please?" she begged, pouting. They all looked at one another, shrugged and answered, "Sure."

They all grinned widely and participated in a very hyper group hug. Jon told the driver and Zack to head on back without them, while the rest got their bags and brought them out of the bus.

They all waved goodbye to the bus before piling into the house, with their luggage in tow.

"HONEY, I'M HOME!" she called out into the house.

The boys stared at one another.

All of a sudden, a girl came running down the stairs and hugged Andy tightly. She had black wavy hair, her body was slim, her eyes a smoky gray, and, the most noticeable thing about her was her obvious gift of large boobs.

"Tay, this is Ryan, Spencer, Jon, and Brendon."

She shook each of their hands and smiled at them. Her eyes, however, stared into Brendon's face for a second longer.

They both blushed slightly before pulling away.

"Guys, this is Tay. They're staying for the night, is that okay?" Andy asked Tay, who was still somewhat fixated on the apple bottomed wonder.

"Hmm. Oh, yeah, sure, no problem," she answered, grinning. "I was just about to start cooking dinner. Show them their rooms, won't you, love?"

She then proceeded to the kitchen, leaving Andy and the guys in the living room.

"So... if you guys could just follow me," Andy began, leading them up the stairs and to the guest room.

"You guys can sleep in here. I can set up the extra mattresses later."

"No, no, it's okay. We'll do it. Thanks."

"Oh, but, uhm, there are only three beds by the way, including the extra mattress, so one of you's gonna have to stay in my room."

Everyone looked around at each other, trying to figure out who would do so, until Ryan raised up his hand in the air.

"I volunteer!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update totally updated to the following:

lake effect kid.
Hannah Hates Montana
Mindless Popsicle
and to all the other commenters I wasn't able to mention <3

I love you all


Oh, and please check out my new story: Do You Know What It Feels Like?

