Sequel: First Try

When the Day Met the Night

All Was Golden When The Day Met The Night

Ryan got up from the bunk and rubbed his eyes.

What time was it?

He ran a hand through his hair and started scratching his stomach lightly as he went out of the bunk area. It was a habit he had acquired over time.

"Good morning!"

"What are you, the greeting club?"

Ryan rubbed at his eye and as his vision cleared he saw Andy and Brendon all cuddled up at the booth arguing over some stupid greeting club. He shuffled over to them and sat down.

"Ryan, you look horrible, are you okay?" he heard Andy ask.

No, he wasn't okay, actually. He had one hell of a hang over and his girlfriend had just dumped him last night before he went to bed.

"Yeah," he lied, rubbing at his eye some more.

"You should stop doing that," Andy pointed out and Ryan looked up at her. She had finally pulled away from Brendon and was staring at him.

"Make me," Ryan pouted, rubbing his eye harder. If the world was going to be horrible to him, why shouldn't he be horrible to the world too?

His hand was suddenly pulled away from his face and he blinked. Andy had a hold of his wrist and she was holding it away from his eye.

"I just did," she grinned.


"C'mon, Ryan, hurry up! I really have to use the bathroom!"

"Sorry, Andy, I'm enjoying my alone time, you can wait a bit longer," Ryan retorted smirking, tilting his head backwards as the water hit his face. He heard the door click open and a 'that's it!' come from the outside. He looked towards the door and watch as the door swung open and Andy burst in.

Her eyes widened as she stared at him, her jaw dropped slightly, and her cheeks reddening slightly. He just stared back, his cheeks burning as well. He looked down, remembering that he was naked and stared back up at her.

"GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!" he yelled, and, in a split second, she had turned, gone out, and shut the door behind her.

After finishing up his shower, Ryan wrapped his towel around his waist and went out of the bathroom.

"Damn, Ross, no wonder I can't keep my hands off of you on stage," Brendon joked, winking at him.

Ryan laughed and shook his head, going into the bunk area while Andy rushed into the bathroom.

Andy blushed furiously, washing her hands, as she remembered what she had seen a few minutes ago. She had seen Ryan Ross naked. Like, butt naked. It's not that she was disgusted by it or whatever, in fact he had a pretty good body and-

Ew, what was she saying?

She shook her head and went out of the bathroom, wiping her hands on her jeans, which, she remembered were what she wore last night.

"Brennyyy~" she called.


"Can I borrow clothes?"

"No, borrow Ryan's."

"But he'd never let me, and he's too thin!"

"You could try asking."

Andy turned and there was the man, whose manhood she had just seen.


"Ryan, can I borrow clothes?"

"Yeah, you can," he grinned.

"Ha. See? Don't you know why Ryan can never say no to you?"

"No, why, Brendon?" Andy asked.

Brendon grinned at Ryan then at Andy and said,

"Because he loves you, silly."
♠ ♠ ♠
bubblyrainbow, you make my day. You're like, the only one commenting out of the how many subscribers. TTnTT
