Sequel: First Try

When the Day Met the Night

So She Said, "That's okay"

After getting back to the bus and changing, Andy threw Brendon's hoodie right at his face and started dancing a little in the middle of the bus.

"What the hell?"

"I have my own underwear, I don't have to wear Ryan's boxers!" she sang over and over again.

"Oh, c'mon, you know you enjoyed being in them," Brendon retorted after peeling the hoodie off of his face.

"Nah, it was big."

"That's what she said."

"Brendon Urie, you are a pervert!"

She began chasing him around with a pillow, smacking at his head every time she got close enough.

"Guys, stop it, you might break something!" Spencer called out.

"Yeah, like Brendon's manhood," Jon followed up, snickering.

The bus had screeched into a stop, and Brendon and Andy ended up getting thrown forward. Brendon ended up on the booth, his feet on the table and his head on the floor, while Andy's head collided with Ryan's stomach.

"Fuck!" Ryan called out while Andy fell back onto the floor..

"That's what she said," Brendon grinned drunkenly from his position.

"Sorry guys!" the driver called out to them and he continued ranting about the guy who tried to squeeze into the line.

"Owww," Andy rubbed at her head, "Damn, Ross, your stomach is as hard as anything!"

"You should discuss that with your head," Ryan rubbed at his stomach, wincing.

"Oh, c'mon, Ryan, I honestly don't think that's gonna bruise," Brendon lifted up his shirt a bit to reveal a big red spot forming around his belly button. "Just a really big red spot."

"Okay, okay, Brendon, stop it," Ryan pushed him away and pulled his shirt down.

"Aww, poor Ryan, do you want me to kiss it to make it better?" Andy joked, pouting.

"Uh, no."

He stood up and went in the bunk area, closing the door behind him.

"He's been doing that a lot lately, don't you think?"

"Yes, Brendon, now go back to eating your snickers," Jon patted his head and went back to reading AP magazine.

"Snickers!" Brendon grabbed the chocolate off of the table and stuffed it in his mouth.


Ryan lied down on his bunk and rubbed at his sore stomach.

Why did love have to be so fucking hard?

Why can't it just be, "I love you." "Hey, I love you too, let's get married!"?

He twirled the silver ring between his fingers. He remembered how long it took for him to prepare for that night. He had made up speeches in his head, practiced how he should kneel, planned out when he should ask, and all that stuff. He went through all that trouble, only to be dumped.

Was that fair?

It sure as hell wasn't.

"Ryan, do you want your clothes back? I can always borrow someone else's," Andy asked him.

"Hmm? What?" he turned to her and blinked back the tears that threatened to fall.

"D-do you want your clothes back? I can borrow someone else's," she repeated, fumbling with the hem of her - well, his - shirt.

"No, it's okay, why?"

"I... I dunno, it doesn't really seem like you... you know, wanna hang out with me," she confessed, sitting on the bunk across from his.

"That's funny, I kind of get that feeling too."

"How is that-"

"I dunno, let me go ask Brendon," he hinted, staring at her through his bangs.

"Oh, I'm really sorry about that. I dunno, he's just... really fun to be with, I guess."

"Yeah, I know."

"We could... bond... tonight, if you want to."

Ryan quirked an eyebrow, "How?"

"We can start by telling each other what we did, during the nine year period that we weren't with each other, then, we can play all those stupid games we used to play when we were at each other's houses," she grinned hopefully at him.

"Yeah, okay," he smiled, "that'd be really fun."
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a short one, for rybunny, because she's amazing.

Ily, rybunny.