The Next Generation

This is a whole new story. Yes all the characters from Alice Katsu and Same Song Different Chorus are going to be in this one along with new ones. The reason this story will not be a sqeual for S.S.D.C. is because the other two stories I don't really care for, this one on the other hand has tons of better grammar and vivid verbs.

Christine Kay Vella, the daughter of Jonny and Alice (decesed) Vella, is starting another private school that her father, who she has never really seen, sends her away to once again. But this time she's going to stay at Glass Academy until she graduates, and along with her are both set of twin cousins! Steven and Dany, sons of Josh and Sai Vella, and Tyler and Taylor, son and daughter of Bart and Cali Schemmel.
What awaits our four teen friends? Read and find out...