We All Need That Person Who Can Be True to You

Chapter 13


"This fucking sucks...." I grumbled, stabbing at the food on my plate but not really eating it. Instead I pushed it around, appetite lost.

"Bri, it'll be alright. Just give it time, it's only been a day. At least she's already remembered someone." Brooke tried cheering me up.

"Yeah. You have a right to be optimistic, she remembered you first instead of her boyfriend..... Do you know how much that fucking hurt?" I snapped, not meaning to. She looked hurt but didn't say anything further, so I pushed my chair back and stormed to my room, past Bridget on the couch, playing video games with the guys. I threw myself on the bed, face planted in my pillow.

Someone screamed. It wasn't an excited scream, it wasn't the sound of someone getting chased around the room jokingly, it was one of pure terror. It was Bridget. I shot up, almost to the door of my room when it was ripped open by someone else and Bridget ran into my arms. She collapsed, tear tracks ran down her cheeks. I sat there on the floor with her in my lap. "What's the matter, babe?" I crooned, running my fingers through her hair. Bridget didn't answer, she kept shaking and muttering something.

Zack ran up the stairs. "What happened?" I demanded.

"I don't know! She just froze all of a sudden, staring at nothing so Jimmy waved a hand in her face, she didn't react until he put a hand on her shoulder to shake her, then she screamed." He gasped, looking worried.

Zack was the only other one that knew what was going on having seen her mom beating the shit out of her. We told the others that she fell down the stairs, hitting a picture frame on the way so that's how she got thescratch gash running up her arm. Valary was the only one really suspicious but she didn't say anything. "Bridget. Come on, your scaring me, what's the matter?" I pleaded.

"G-g--" She gasped. "Glen." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "He-he u-used to. He-- Oh my god!" Bridget sobbed, holding onto me tighter.

I caught the gist of it and started seeing red. Bastard fucking raped her! "Zack. Take the others and go home, I'll take care of Bridget." I told him. He nodded reluctantly and left, getting the others to go too. "It's alright, baby girl. Glen's not here. He's not here. You're safe."

"Don't--- don't let him--- He's going to.... He'll come after me!" She gasped. "He'll do it again and again and..... No!"

"Bridget. Bridget, look at me. Bridget!" I snapped.

Bridget whimpered, looking up at me with fresh tears in her eyes. I immediately felt guilty. "You're fine. Nothing's going to get you. You've got to trust me." I whispered. "You're fine."

That's a big fat lie right there. She wasn't fine, and she wouldn't be. Not by a long shot.
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Shoooooorrrrrttttt...... D:

Comment anyway? xD

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