We All Need That Person Who Can Be True to You

Chapter 17


Two weeks. It's been two weeks and still.... nothing. Not even those little flashes. I glared down at the floor in annoyance. Everyone was out, the boys doing band stuff at Matt's place and the girls followed. I decided against it this time. Not like it'd bring back anything, they all said I'd never been to a practice before and something always triggered my memories. Still irritated, I grabbed a hoodie and started walking. Where to? I wasn't sure.

I wound up at the beach, sitting at the edge of the water, drawing doodles in the sand. It was empty, quiet, peaceful. I could use some of that in my life right now. I raked a hand through my dark hair. It had started going back to it's natural color a while back and was pretty much done when I was sick of waiting and had Brooke help me out with dyeing it back to it's original color. When we got done with that, the dark hair plus my pale complection made my blue eyes really 'pop' as everyone told me. I didn't care so long as it was normal-looking now.

"What are you doing out here alone?"

I froze. That voice.... "Dirty fucking whore," Glen snarled, smirking at me as he pulled his pants up. He forced one last, gross, wet kiss on my mouth before leaving the room."

I grit my teeth and stood up, about to leave when he grabbed my arm. The left one, to be exact. I hissed in pain, it still hadn't healed yet. Instinctively, I lashed out, slamming a fist into his face. He immediately let go so I ran. Which, let me tell you, ain't exactly easy when you're on sand. It's fucking impossible, in fact. I stumbled, fell, got up, ran, stumbled, fell..... you get the picture. He chased, of course. I knew I wasn't getting off that easy. And, to add a little cliche in my life, he caught up. Therefore catching me.

I screamed until his hand covered my mouth, his other arm was around my waist as he picked me up and started carrying me. He didn't go far until he reached a dark alley. Again with the cliche, no? Glen threw me down, adding more pain to my life. When he got closer, I kicked him right in the balls. He doubled over, I scrambled to get up and started running again when, well whaddya know, the fucker caught me again.

Glen growled, an animalistic sound, throwing me against the wall, letting me crumble to the ground, clutching my head. He grabbed a calf and dragged it until I was laying there on the ground. I screamed, struggling to move. Fucking fatass! Lose a few hundred pounds or something!! He had my arms pinned with one hand, the other was getting his pants off. I could see where this was going.....


Glen finished all too late, getting off without saying a word and walking away. I scrambled to get my clothes on, to at least gather some kind of dignity. Tears stained my face, leaving tracks. I couldn't breathe, sobs ripped through my chest and a fresh set of tears poured down my face. Why me? What the hell did I ever do?

I stood up, wobbling, steadied myself, and made my way 'home'. What a stupid time to pick going outside, huh?

It was dark when I finally found Brian's house again. Being an amnesiac, I couldn't exactly remember how to get there so it took me a couple hours when it turned out it was really only two blocks away. Just another one of those 'I shoulda known' moments. Instead of knocking on the door and waiting, I turned the knob and pushed the door open, pushing past people to the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it behind me. I didn't want anyone in here.

"Bridget." Brian knocked on the door lightly the first time. "Bridget!" Knocked hardly the second time. "Bridget, open the door!" Pounded the third time. "Damnit, Bridget! What the hell happened?"

"None of your fucking business!" I snapped, starting the water in the tub, stopping it when it was full enough and poured some peroxide in. Stripping off my clothes, I tossed them in the tub to let them soak. Bet you didn't know this: Peroxide helped with blood stains. Turns out I figured that out when I was back with my mother. Unwrapping my left arm, I saw a few stitches had been ripped out. Mother fucker!!

"Bridget.... If you don't fucking open this door..."

I cringed at his tone. I'd heard that too many times before. He decided to try the handle, twisting and turning it, not progressing any further. Good. Brian started shaking the door, yelling my name and pounded on it. I gripped the sink tight, my knuckles turning white from doing so. It took all I had in me to not break down and cry right there at the memories popping up in my mind.

I waited for the blood to get out before draining the tub and wringing out the clothes, hanging them to dry before re-filling the tub, checking the temperature.

And that'd be when the door opened, a livid Brian stood there, key in hand. Well, wasn't that handy. He stilled when he saw me, those brown eyes widening in shock. Then came the sadness and furthermore: betrayl. Why the hell did he insist on looking at me like that? I turned back around, standing up and took my bra and underwear off. Seemed he saw it all before, so why should I care now? I got in the tub without a word, sinking under the water for a moment before coming back up.

The hot water stung the wounds covering my body but I didn't care. Brian knelt by the tub, looking stoic. I could see the underlying emotion. "I don't really have to guess, do I? I should know who it was..." He mumbled, taking my left arm out and dried it. I wasn't supposed to get it wet.... Whoopsie! "You don't really need the stitches anymore." Carefully, he started pulling them out where they were ripped before and re-bandaged the arm.

"Why do you stick around?" I whispered hoarsely, the tears threatening to strike again.

Brian looked like I slapped him in the face. "Are you joking? I told you I love you, you seriously think I'm going to back out after that? I meant it completely and I'm not letting you go." He told me firmly, grabbing the shampoo.

I shrugged. "Right..."

"Iloveyou." I rushed out the words but he caught it, I blushed scarlet.

He didn't hesitate, those warm, melted chocolate eyes bore into my own. "I love you too." I smiled, kissing him again sweetly. I loved this boy.

I finally looked up at him, into those warm, melted chocolate eyes currently frozen over and pitch dark. I reached out, stroking his cheek. Brian closed his eyes, leaning into my palm. Biting my lip, I sat up further, running my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer before connecting our lips. Brian relaxed immediately, melting into putty. I had to fight back a laugh at that. Funny how we had that effect on each other.

"You weren't worried, were you?" Brian asked.

I shook my head, stilling with the bell rang, and swallowed hard. Before he could turn and look, my lips were on his. I was still tense, so he ran his fingers though my hair, stroking my back in circles. I melted, putty in his hands.

I pulled back, looking shyly into his eyes. They were back to their normal chocolate brown state so I smiled. Brian grinned back, leaning in and kissing me again.

Needless to say, he didn't keep those clothes on for much longer....
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Bridget lol, took me long enough didn't it? xD

Can I seriously just take this time and say how fucking AWESOME you guys are? I mean really!! 7 stars. Seven. Freaking. Stars. I had no idea this story would get so popular when I started it!! xD And here I am with 7 stars. ^-^ *Totally bragging* We got three more to go? Whaddya say? Start reccommending to friends and get me more readers, hm? That would be LOVELY. :D

I decided to be kinda mean and make Johnny remembered last. >D
I'll make it as funny as possible.

o.O I didn't feel like writing in a sex scene. lol
I'm weird. Raped one hour, then sexing it up with Brian the next... Hmm, can anyone say: MORBID?