We All Need That Person Who Can Be True to You

Chapter 18


"It's PEANUT BUTTAH JELLY TIME!!" Johnny started singing, doing the banana dance, making everyone howl with laughter.

"I'm starting to think he's been hanging out with Jimmy a liiiiittle too much." I commented, currently perched on Brian's lap. He started bouncing his legs, then stretched 'em out, making me slide down, squeaking. "Weeeee!" I giggled, clapping my hands.

"Who gave you Skittles?" Cait asked, looking amused.

"A person.... That has a name." I darted my eyes around suspiciously.

All eyes turned to Jimmy. "I didn't do it this time!!"

"Guilty." Zack raised his hand, grinning cheekily.

I got back up on Brian's lap, looking at him expectantly. He laughed at that and started bouncing his legs again, stretching them out, making me slide again. "That is too fun!" I snickered, deciding to stay on the floor this time.

Jimmy sat on Cait's lap, grinning until she did the same to him, everyone started cracking up. The phone rang so I hopped up, shouting, "I got it!" And ran to the phone. "Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, can I take your order?"

There was a pause and then, "Who the hell is this?" And Irish brogue asked me.

I froze at the sound of the voice, recognizing it. "Bridget. Who's this?" I asked back.

There was another pause. "Can you put Brian on the phone?"

I shrugged and tossed the phone to Brian, going to the kitchen for some food.



"Hello?" I spoke into the phone, confused.

"Brian?" Roarke asked. So that's why she froze...

"Yeah. What's up?" I stood up and walked outside, shutting the door behind me.

"I'm going to have to come get her sooner rather than later..."

"What? Why?" I demanded.

"Her mother's been booked and since I'm 'stable' enough to have her, Bridget's going to have to live with me. Court orders."

My jaw clenched as did my fists. I didn't want her to go back so soon. "Is there any other way? She still has a couple of months to go.... Can't we--"

"Brian. You can't. She has to. Bridget's underage and needs a legal guardian, what better one than her own father?"

Tears stung my eyes but I held them back. "Yeah. Okay. When are you getting here?"

"I'm already in the States. I'm in Huntington, actually, I just need an address."

"You can't take her now. She needs time to remember you first!"

"I know, I know! Chill!" Roarke laughed. "I'll be there a week or so, depending on how long it takes to remember me.... Unless it's right away like I'm hoping, and then you'll get your chance for a goodbye and see her again soon."

I sure hoped so... I gave him the address and he said he'd be here in a few. Sulking, I hung up and trudged back into my house. "What's wrong?" Bridget asked, hugging me when I sat down.

"You'll see."

As promised, a few minutes later someone knocked on the door. I got up and opened it. A guy stood there, about my dad's age with a sheepish look on his face. His blue eyes and dark hair matched Bridget's so I figured this must be Roarke. Bridget came over and peeked her head up over my shoulder, gasping when she saw him. She did her little squeak and hugged him. I see she remembered... "Daddy!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Roarke's in town!!
You know what that means: The end is near....
That sounds little creepy xD but it's true

COMMENT and get UPDATES!!! D< I didn't get many last chapter =[ That's why it took so long to get this out.