We All Need That Person Who Can Be True to You

Chapter 4


The next morning I woke up with a sugar-overloaded hangover. Brian was at his computer, scrolling down with a thoughtful expression. I stayed there, staring a minute before sitting up (with great difficulty, I might add). His head whipped around, so I figured I must've made a sound and startled him. Brian's chocolate eyes locking with my own, the sadness in them was blatantly obvious, I could see the betrayl there but you had to look a little deeper to tell. Looking down, I saw different clothes. Guess the secret's out.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" His voice was shaky, filled with hurt. Hurt I caused. I hurt my first and only best friend. Wow, I'm starting to feel like a right bitch right now.

I stared, not saying anything, absorbing the pain I caused until my lip trembed. Tears threatened to spill over, but I refused to let them. Refused to let him see my tears, they were a sign of weakness. I didn't even cry when she slapped me, punched me, kicked me, even when he raped me, I didn't cry. Yet somehow.... This boy sitting in front of me made me want to, I wanted to cry. I needed to. Licking my suddenly dry lips, I started to fidget a little, head pounding, in sudden need for a cigarette even though I'd never smoked before. "I.... I just--" Shaking my head, the tears started to fall of their own accord. "I didn't--" Swallowing nothing, I sniffed, rubbing away the stupid tears, only to end up bawling my eyes out.

After a moment's shocked silence, Brian got up and wound his arms around my shoulders lightly, whispering nice, comforting, and impossible words in my ear, "You're safe now, nothing's going to hurt you. I'll make sure of it personally. Don't worry."

If only he could.
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Epically. Short. lol
It's longer on paper!!! D:

So I'm not going to ask for many comments. x] But they would still rock my socks off.
Next chapter shall be MUCH longer, don't worry.