We All Need That Person Who Can Be True to You

Chapter 7

I started fidgeting. "Brian. Chill. What are you so worried about?" Zack asked the next day at lunch.

Bridget still wasn't here.

"Everybody calls in sick sometimes," Valary tried consoling me. I shook my head stubbornly. They didn't know.

She promised.

The doors opened, my head shot up. Jameson. Slumping down in my seat, I glared at the table. "Brian." Matt nudged me. I ignored him. "Brian. Look."

I did. Bridget. I shot up out of my seat and over to her. "Are you okay? What happened? Bridget--"

Bridget cut me off, putting a hand over my mouth. "I'm fine. Don't worry," she whispered, smiling a little. She was lying. I knew she was. Why would she lie?

"No you're not, Bridget." I insisted.

"I'm fine, Brian," she hissed stubbornly, wakling over to the table.

I grit my teeth when I saw her limping a little. Her skin was too pale, her eyes too lifeless. Bridget wasn't okay. Following her, I kept my eye on her just in case. She looked like she was about to pass out any second.

"Well, it's a good thing you got here when you did! Brian was worrying himself sick over nothing." Valary said cheerily, but I could hear the underlying doubt in her voice. Did she see her limping? She looked over at me and I saw the concern lurking there. She must have.

Bridget laughed, it sounded forced. "Yeah. Sorry. Slept in and got lectured for it." She shrugged, snatching a fry off my plate, giving me a sweet smile I had no choice but to return. "Sorry for worrying you so much." Sincerity rang in her voice when she hugged me, kissed my cheek.

"It's okay," I lied, wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her closer and pressed a kiss to her temple.

It was not okay.
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Wow, these chapters are way short. lol
I swear they're longer on pages!!! D:

Comment and get the next chapter? :D