We All Need That Person Who Can Be True to You

Chapter 8

"Why her?"

I turned, confused. "Excuse me?"

"Why her?" Michelle repeated. "Why Bridget? What's so good about her?"

"Why not her? Bridget's perfect." Aside from the fact that she's totally lying to me. She is not okay.

"Hey, Baby. Didn't mean to keep you. Ready for Jameson's?" A pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist and Bridget kissed my cheek, smiling.

I just couldn't help myself: I smiled back. "You're just one time."

"Excuse me! We were talking!"

Bridget's smile faded when she turned to Michelle. "Keyword: you were talking." You had to be an idiot or deaf not to hear the venom hiding behind the sweetness in those words.

She grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers like any other couple, and we walked to Jameson's.

Bridget: 1,000; Michelle: 0


"So you can hang out after school today, right?" Josie asked Bridget at lunched.

"Yeah, talked to my parents and they're cool with it." Bridget nodded, playing with the zipper onher my AC/DC hoodie. She was practically swimming in that thing. Last night, she came back over and I rebandaged her, even having to add some new ones to the collection. She'd told me about her dad. How he was the coolest one ever and she wanted to be just like him when she got older: free-spirited, understanding, loyal, and loving. Well, she had 3 outta 4. Her parents divorced when she was 8 and she was stuck with her mom, full custody, never allowed to see her dad. He still wrote, still called, still cared, I could tell with the way he spoke over the phone last night when she called him in Ireland. He still fought for her, and won, even. She just ahd to wait a few months until after she graduated; those were the conditions, he said. He told me to help her, save her from her mother as much as I possibly could. And I intend to keep my promise.


Later that night, the whole gang wound up watching Finding Nemo. I'd made myself comfy on the couch, lying down all stretched out, using Bridget's lap as a pillow. She was running her fingers through my hair out of habit, her eyes trained on the T.V. I had my eyes closed, completely relaxed and about to fall asleep when the front door burst open, revealing a giggling Michelle with Trevor.

"Oh, sorry, were you guys watching a movie?" She asked, looking directly at me. Probably trying to see if she was making me jealous with the way she was all over the manwhore.

Bridget gave her a dry look. "Obviously. What the hell are you doing here?"

"Uh... I live here?"

"Uh... no you don't?" Bridget said in the same air-head tone. "This is Jimmy's house."

Michelle looked around stupidly. "Oh. Well, watever. So what are we watching?" She dragged Trevor over, moving my legs so she could sit, batting her eyelashes "flirtatiously".

I rolled my eyes and got up, pulled Bridget off the couch, sat down in her spot, and tugged her back down onto my lap. Bridget laughed, shaking her head. "Dork."

"You love it." I grinned kissing her cheek. She curled up, nuzzling her face in my neck but still managed to watch the movie. I wound my arms around her waist, someone cooed, saying something about how cute we were. For being a fake couple, I'd have to agree.
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I got 4... count it FOUR comments!!
So I updated xD

See? It doesn't take much, lmao
I'm a comment-whore
Get me more readers/subscribers? Tell your friends!!! :D

Oh, and this'll last 20 chapters tops. I may/may not add more than I've written. Depends. Think I should? I've got 14 and an epilogue. xD