Your Tragic Schism

chp 11

After I explained everything I went upstairs...It was then that I made the decition that would change my entire life...forever...Spencer walked upstairs and I sat on my bed.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked. But, I just sat there staring at the floor. "Sarah?" I still didn't answer. "Sarah!?!" He grabbed my shouldders and made me look at him. I shook my head and went over to my dry erase board and erased all of the hearts with Ryan's name on them and wrote 'sorry hon but I'm not talking anymore...' He looked shocked. "Why?"

'Because I don't want to...'

"What about your band!?! You are the lead singer!" He looked kinda pissed.

'I'll switch with Jeremy...I am pretty good at guitar.'

"But, I love your voice...Please talk..." He started crying.

'No...sorry..' I went over and hugged him. Then we got up and went back down stairs.

"Sarah!!! Are you okay!?!" Everyone crowded me and I looked at Spencer who sighed.

"She doesn't want to talk anymore..."

"What!?! What about our band!?!" Cici looked at me and I walked over to Jeremy and Motioned to Spencer.

"She wants to switch jobs with you in the band."

"Ummm...Okay?" Jeremy was really confused.

xX Sorry it's so short but my parents came home and I have to go sing my little brosie to sleep =]...But I promise I will update alot next week because I don't have to work or babysit =DXx