Your Tragic Schism

chp 4

I was planning for the worst when Pete sighed.

"I'm gonna have to...Make you share a bus with another band when you go on tour after we record your songs." He smiled and Tragic and Panic! started jumping up and down screaming and hugging eachother. Soon I found myself squished inbetween Ryan and Spencer..'hmmm spencer is kinda cute too...this should be interessting.'

"Cici!!! I'm so happy for your band! You guys made it!" Brendon ran up to her and hugged her. But, once he realised what he was doing he turned bright red. Ryan whispered to me.

"Looks like we might have a new couple soon."

"Nah. Brendon doesn't know how weird and hyper she is."

"He's the same."

"She is also addicted to redbull."

"Hahaha...him too."

"Then I guess they might get together." We giggled. Mmmm...his smile...I wasn't kidding when I said I liked it.

"Hey guys, Do you want to celebrate and have a party?" Kayla asked us.

"Sorry but I can't stay." Pete said.


"I don't think we should..." Ryan agreed.

I nodded to Cici and mouthed 'watch' and she smirked.

"Ryan...please stay?..." I gave him my big huge puppy dog eyes and put one of my hands on his chest. I made myself start to tear up. (one of my many abilities) "....Please?.."I kinda whispered into his ear slowly making sure to send shivers down his spine. He blushed.

"U-u-uh...sure...I-I think w-we c-c-could stay for a little while..." He stuttered. I smiled.

"Thank you sugar!" I kissed his cheek causing him to blush alot more. "I'll be right back I'm going to go get snacks from the kitchen."

"I'll help!" Cici followed.

"Cici are you sure you want to leave Kayla in there...I mean remember the last time we left her alone in a room full of guys?"

"'re right Kayla get 'cho ass in here!!!"

"Fine..." Kayla walked into the kitchen. "Kudos on ryan Sarah." I laughed.

We got a ton of junk food and put it all down in the living room. Then we went and got soda...I smiled evily. Knowing my band there was sure to be a belching contest and I always won. We walked back in with the soda.

"Soooodaaaa!!!" Micah reached for the soda but but I slapped his hand.

"Guests fisrt you little...ughhh...." I glared at micah and he gave me a cheesy smile. I smiled and rolled my eyes. I walked over to ryan.

"Hello my name is Sarah and I will be your waitress today what would you like?"

He smiled. "You." He pulled me onto his lap.

"Get a room!" Brendon threw a pillow at me.

"Get a life!" I threw my shoe at him.

"These are nice shoes where did you get them?"


"They sell shoes that look like this?" He held up my pink converse with pink and black checkered shoe laces and writing all over them.

"Nah they were decent when I bought them I just drew on them and bout them new laces."


Then out of nowhere Micah burped really loud. 'And so it starts' I smiled to myself

"Dude you suck at burping." Jeramy said.

"Psht I'm the best in this room!!!"

"No I can do better!" Brendon yelled and with that he burped really loud.

"Burping contest!!!" Kayla screamed. " And everyone has to perticipate!"

I got off of Ryans lap and whispered to Kayla.

"I'll be right back okay?"

"Where are you going? you could win this without soda."

"I'm going to the bathroom and I am going to make one hell of an entrance when I get back!"

I left the room and went to the kitchen and drank this huge thing of mountain dew. Then, I did 15 jumping jacks. I walked in and cleared my throut and everone looked at me and went quiet. Then I belched so loud the neighbors yelled at us.

"Holy shit!!!!" Spencer yelled. "For someone that looks so innocent..." he trailed off.

"And we have a winner!!!" Kayla yelled. And I bowed.

"Thank you thank you I'll be here til thursday!"

"It is thursday dumbass!" Micah yelled at me and everyone started laughing.

"Time sure does fly! Well I should get going! Toodles!" I walked out the door and I could hear them all laughing. 'They are probably expecting me to come back soon so I think I'll'...someone grabbed me and I couldn't fight. What was going on? Someone blindfolded me and was taking me somewhere...