Your Tragic Schism

chp 6

"Hold on a second guys!!!" I yelled and they stopped hugging me. I looked around to see that Spencer and Ryan were sitting in different corners glaring at eachother. 'what's up with them?'. Anyways I walked up to Ryan.

"Thank you." I hugged him and walked over to Spencer.

"Here....and Thank you." I hugged him and gave him the bag. " I'm going to bed...." I walked upstairs. I lay down in my bed and snuggled with my stuffed animals...Yes 18 with a bunch of random stuffed animals. I started to doze and all of a sudden I heard yelling. Ryan and Spencer? What the hell? I got up and I was afraid of what happened so I took one of my stuffed animals with me so I would have something to hide behind of. I walked down and Spencer and Ryan were like about to beat the shit out of eachother.

"You can't ask her out!!! I was going to!" Spencer yelled.

"Sarah likes me more than you!!!" Ryan snapped back. Everyone was sitting on the couch trying not to get involved and they looked scared. I had to do something.

"Stop!!!" I ran in and I was crying. "Stop fighting! Please just....just stop...If you guys are going to fight like this...I'm sorry I can't go out with either of you..." Ryan and Spencer looked really guilty.

"I'm sorry hon..." Ryan tried to hug me but I pushed him away.

"Don't..." I looked at him still crying.

"I'm sorry too." Spencer just looked at me obviously learning from what Ryan tried to do.

"I'm not mad...It's just...I don't like people fighting...It scares me..." I walked back upstairs. And it started raining. 'oh I hope it doesn't-' Then there was a huge boom of thunder. I screamed and hid under my covers and cried. Someone ran up to my room. I hope it isn't Ryan or Spencer.

"Sarah are you alright?" It was Brendon.

"No..." I sniffled from crying. Brendon sat on my bed.

"What's wrong?"

"I hate thunder..." I cried

"Would you like me to go get Cici or someone to keep you company?"

"Yes please." Brendon left and Kayla and Cici ran upstairs and hugged me. Then we talked about a bunch of random things until one thing that really hurt came up...and it wasn't a guy for once...