Your Tragic Schism

the real chp 9!!! yay!!!

Okay so its a year later and me and Ryan are still together and brendon and Cici are together. Also since that first summer we went on tour with MCR and we are all pretty tight...Well...Kayla and Gee are REALLY tight if you know what I mean. Spencer doesn't talk to me or Ryan...It kinda hurts...Fine it REALLY hurts. Him and Ryan are always glaring at eachother and me and him exchange longing sorrowful stares as we walk by. and now that you are all filled in we continue...

Ryan and I were sitting on my bed and he asked me something that I really wasn't in the mood to hear.

"Sarah?...Have you ever noticed that you and I have never had sex?"



"Because I said so is there a problem?" The reason why I have been holding off on Ryan is because I am waiting for my wedding night. Call me old fashioned but that is what I thought was best.

"No there's no-" Ry was cut off by Jeremy yelling.

"Ryan! We are going to a bar and all of these guys with no dicks are going to stay here!" Jeremy yelled. We ran downstairs.

"I resent that!!!" Kayla screamed and tackled him.

"AARRRRGGHHH!!! Gee!!! help your girlfriend is molesting me!!!!"

"Kaylaaaa!!! I thought you loved me!!!" Gee pouted.

"Awww I love you more than anything babe." They were so cute.

"Okay let's go!!" Ryan kissed my cheek and started to leave.

"What a rip off!!!" I yelled. "This is what you are supposed to do when you leave." I ran up to him and dipped him like they do in the tango dance thing and kissed him.

"I'll have to remember that one hon." He smiled. "Bye."


Once all of the guys left we sat in a circle. We were all talking when the doorbell rang.

"Who is it!?!" Kayla yelled. There was no answer but the doorbell rang again.

"I'll go get it." I said and got up. 'Who the hell could t be at this ti-...'

"Hi Sarah...nice to see you bitch." Awwh shit. Gaby, Sasi, Robby, Tony, Lauren, and Mindy...What are they going to do?...I braced myself when Robby was about to punch me...