An Angels Always There

The End Is The Begining

Her heart pounded as she ran a boney hand through her oily hair. Silent tears stained her bruised face. "Every thing’s alright, yes alright. No one’s going to hurt me," she mumbled as she rocked her small frame back and forth. "Not again, nope," she shook her head. "Nope, I'm all alone now."

"All alone? What about me?" a voice echoed through the crevices of her battered mind. Her head swiveled on her neck trying to find the source of her torture. The memories replayed themselves in her mind over and over making the once welcomed presence a demon.

", no, no, NO!" she screamed, cradling her head in her hands, "Leave me alone! You're not real!" Her fingers twisted themselves in her hair, slowly tightening.

"But I am real, I always have been," the angelic voice caressed the very air she breathed, "I only want to help you."

"No, you're going to hurt me! Just like all of them! They all said the same thing!" She tugged at her hair ripping patches from their roots. "Please don't hurt me. Just go away. I don't want you here," she pleaded, a small sob breaking her voice.

"I promise I won't hurt you." the voice whispered into her ear. "Just give into it, and the pain will be gone."
"O-ok" she closed her glazed eyes and gave into the darkness that had been eating away at her vision.

"I've been waiting for you,” his voice came from behind her. She spun around to see the very person that graced her crooked dreams at night. New tears claimed their place on her face, tears not of pain and sadness but of joy.
"You're here, you're really here," she held him as though if she let go he would disappear.
"I am and always will be," he wrapped his arms around the other angel as they faded into the light.
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