Brad Captain Approves Stuart

One Shot

---Joe Louis Arena---
Ahh the "Joe", the best rink ever to watch hockey in. Hi my name is Emily Lidstrom, yes the daughter of Norris trophy winner Nicklas Lidstrom. I am an american citizen but can speak a bit sweedish. I am 19 years old and have loved hockey since I was old enough to realize what it was. I have grown up at the "Joe" since my dad has always been a Red Wing. It was the training camp for the 2009-2010 season and my dad was going out for his 16th season. I couldn't help but have a few crushes on the players that my dad had played with over the years that I have grown up. There was one player in particular this year my dad's defense partner Mr. Brad Stuart. There was just something about that brown haired, bright blue eyed guy that got the best of me. I am always around the guys and never get tougne twisted but there was just something about Brad that made my knees weak.

---Lidstrom House---
"But Nik, we should have talked to everyone before you decided to invite your linemate over?" My mom was yelling at my dad as he had sprung the news on her that player was coming over for supper. "Honey, its just a way for me and him to get to know each other better before the season!" My dad said back taking my mom in for a hug. "Aww mom and dad you guys are so adorable." I said to my parents. "So whose the guy dad?" My middle brother asked. "Oh its Brad, Brad Stuart, me and him are going to be defense partners." "WHAT! Brad's coming here" I thought to myself as I ran off to my room to get better prepared. At around 6:30 PM I heard the doorbell fully prepared to see Brad with a ditzy hockey slut on his arm, I decided to stay in my room until my mom called me for dinner. I never heard my mom call so I decided to lay down for a bit. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up someone strange was in my room looking down at me. "WHAT!" I screamed out. My face went instatnly red when I noticed those blue eyes it was Brad. "Hey Emily, I didn't mean to scare you, but when your mom came to tell you supper was ready you were asleep, so we thought you should sleep. I brought you some desert tho!" He said showing me the tray he was holding. "MM chocolate brownies my favorite! Thanks Brad." Me and Brad sat on my bed ate the brownies and talked I couldn't help but blush the whole time as he was so adorable and sweet and cute. "Hey Emily I was wondering if I could ask you something?" Brad said to me. "Sure Brad, what is it??""Well I asked your dad during dinner, if it was maybe alright if well you know I asked you to be my girlfriend. I know tis sudden I know you proably will say no but I just had to take a chance. I know you proably think I am just an old fart at 29." Brad rambled on and on, so I put my finger up to his lips "Shhh, Brad its alright I have had a crush on you since the day I met you and now that Daddy approves it makes this even more special." I said as I jumped onto Brads lap and wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned down just so our lips could touch. We stayed that way for about 5 minutes until we had to come up for air. "Wow so this is what dating the captin's daughter is like eh!" Brad said with a smirk. "Oh really there Mr. Stuart you better be careful!" I said back kissing him again.

---2010 Summer---
"Ahhh Mom, I am so nervous!" I said as I was looking at myself in the full length mirror in my now empty room standing there in my white poufy wedding dress. "Oh honey, I know I can't believe it my little girl is getting married!" KNOCK KNOCK! I heard the door. "Hey princess its time." My dad said entering the room. "Wow you look amazing! I can't believe it my only little girl is getting married all grown up!" I tried not to cry as my parents were so proud of me. Me and Brad got married in a beautiful back yard ceremony at my house. I couldn't believe it when the minister said: "I know pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Emily Stuart you may now kiss the bride." It was the most wonderful feeling in the world. All because Daddy finally accepted me dating a hockey player! Who knew I would follow in my mom's footsteps!
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