The Battle of Life and Death


Ashley and Nicolette wandered the streets of San Francisco, lurking for their next prey. Ashley had begun to wonder when they would get a good mission. For over three hundred year's now, the girls have been "demons". Ashley wasn't to thrilled about being one, she figured she would get something better than just a demon.

Over the year's Ashley came to terms being a demon, but her sister, Nicolette, was always ok with being a demon.

Ashley stopped in her tracks, as she grabbed her sister's arm, causing Nicolette to turn in her tracks giving her sister a questionable look.

"What?" Nicolette asks.

"There's our prey." Ashley speaks.

Nicolette turns following where Ashley's finger is pointing to, to see a young woman, in her early twenty's standing on the corner, waiting for something, or someone. Nicolette nodded her head smirking as she began walking toward the girl, as Ashley followed close behind her sister.

The two girls approached the girl as they stood in front of her for a minute, looking her over, before smirking at each other.

"Who are you?" The girl asks.

Neither answered as they quickly made fire balls appear, releasing them toward the girl, as her screams echoed throughout the empty streets, as both girls nodded in satisfaction. They began to walk away only to hear a young female's voice scream out, "HEY!"

Ashley looked toward her sister sighing, as she quickly turned to see no other than "The Charmed One's" daughter's, Rosalie, Alice, and Madison. Ashley looked toward her sister, as the two quickly shimmered back to the underworld...


Ashley and Nicolette stood in the small line awaiting to hear from their "leader" on their next mission. A tall man with shabby black hair, standing around 6'0, stepped out as he motioned for Ashley and Nicolette to come fourth. Both girls done as commanded as they walked into his private room with him.

"Very well girls. You have a great task ahead of you." He speaks.

"What is it sir?" Ashley asks.

"You are going after two Halliwell's." He speaks.

"Halliwell's?" Nicolette asks.

"Yes. Chris and Wyatt Halliwell. Your mission is to get them to trust you, and get them to fall in love with you, and when it's done, then take them out." He speaks.

"Ok." Nicolette says.

"Very well. Here's everything you need for up there, and I'll be in touch." He says.

Nicolette and Ashley nod their head's shimmering back to the surface, where they begin their new lives...
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Sorry it's so short. Will make up in chapter one!!!
