‹ Prequel: Mary without Sound

Ella's New Sound

Chapter 1: Father Home at Last

“Have a good first day of High School.” Mom said, kissing my forehead.
“Thanks Mom.” I said, opening the car door.
Mom use to go to a private school with Dad and my uncles. She tried to send me to a private school back when I was six, but Dad wouldn’t hear of it. He said he wanted me to enjoy the experience that they never did. I was glad to hear that because here in Bremerton, Washington, the only private school is a Catholic school. I personally don’t socialize with any type of religion. I’m a “nothing”. Mom always told me I could be what I wanted to be, so here I am, a non-religious fourteen year old going to her first year of high school…sigh.
“Ella! Oh Ella! Over here!” Called a voice over the crowd of students in the hall as I walked into the school.
I searched the top of the students’ heads to find one that fitted the voice. Sure enough, I managed to be tackled by my best friend here in Bremerton, Tarryn.
“Oh…my God!” I said. Her hair wasn’t long and brown or full of strips of rainbow anymore, but short and maroon with bits and pieces going in every direction. “Your hair!”
“You like it?” She asked, pulling me up.
“It’s definitely different.” I said. Tarryn was wearing her plaid red, wool coat that she bought last year. She was in very simple attire which wasn’t a surprise.
“You cut your hair too.” She said, ruffling my short hair.
I nodded.
“Where’s everyone else?” I asked, looking around the halls.
“Over there.” I followed her over to a circle of bodies, tightly closed until Tarryn pushed her way in, helping me in as well.
“Everyone, I have found Ella!” She announced.
That’s one thing I love about Tarryn, she’s so random and is never out spoken.
“Hey Ella!” Allison said, giving me a hug. “Can I see your schedule?”
“Sure.” I handing it over.
“Great!” She exclaimed.
“We have fourth period together. This also means we have lunch together.” She said happily. Our lunches are depended on our fourth period.
“Le’ me see!” Tarryn said, grabbing my schedule out of Allison’s hands.
“We don’t have any classes together. But our first periods are right across the hall from each other, and your second period is my third period. But I don’t know if we have lunch together.” She said with a slight smile.
I took back my schedule and waited for a new topic.
“My Dad’s coming home.” I said, out of no where.
Everyone looked around. I hadn’t spoken about my Dad since he left for Japan about a year ago. I use to be mad every time Mom would mention his name or that he called. But I eventually got over it and started to miss him terribly.
“Where did he go?” Allison asked. She ran her fingers through her straightened black and pink hair. Her Hawaiian eyes lit up as she gave me a warm smile.
“Japan. I told you guys he plays music. They wanted him and his band to come over and play at some famous places.” I said as-a-matter-of-factly.
They all just looked at me.
“What?” I asked, throwing my arms into the air.
“Nothing, it’s just that you actually NEVER told us your dad played music.” Tarryn said.
Now that I thought about it, I guess I hardly mention my Dad and uncles career to these guys. Actually, I don’t think I like talking about it. Their music playing always puts me on the spot when I talk to people about them. They always asked me questions like, “What kind of music do the play?” or “How long have they been a band?” or worst of all, “Can you get me tickets to their next show?”
“How ‘bout this,” I said, so that I can avoid the third degree. “I’ll call my mom and ask if a few of you can come over. We’re having a party to welcome him and my uncles’ home.”
Mom agreed I could have three friends come over to the party and spend the night if it was okay with their parents. I invited Tarryn, Allison and Danelle, but Danelle couldn’t make it, so instead I invited Netanya.

School went by fast with nothing but teachers going over the syllabus. Allison, Tarryn and Netanya met me outside of the school. My house was actually a nice walk from the school, so we didn’t have to catch the bus or anything. We headed down the road and onto Eleventh Street. It was a beautiful September afternoon. We made it to my house in a matter of minutes with cars already parked on the side of the street. I have never had a friend come over to my house before, so this is kind of a big step up the social ladder.
“Nice house…” Allison said, walking up the steps. I could smell BBQ from the back of the house. I was starving.
“Thanks,” I said, opening the house. Several people that I had only met twice were standing around the living room drinking soda’s. I saw my Mom with her arms around a built body. My Dad.
I gave a tiny squeal and ran over to him.
“Dad! I missed you!” I said as he embraced me in his arms.
“I missed you too.” He said.
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