‹ Prequel: Mary without Sound

Ella's New Sound

Chapter 2: Ella's Golden E

“Are you guys hungry?” I asked, turning to my friends who didn’t look at all out of place in a house full of rockers.
“Yes, totally!” said Netanya.
I lead the girls into the kitchen where I found a platter of vegetables with ranch dressing in the middle.
“Carrots?” I asked. Did I mention that my friends and I are vegetarians?
Allison and Tarryn dug into the carrots and ranch while Netanya served herself a plate of cucumbers. I grabbed the jar of peanut butter and dipped celery in it. I’m the worst vegetarian on this planet if the only way I will eat celery is with peanut butter. We then sat around the island counter, talking about our first day of high school and how it was a drag and we only talked about a dumb piece of paper instead of doing the cool things. Such as; my third period is Nutrition and Condition. On the sign up sheet it said we would be doing constant Yoga and Ta Bo. But did we? No. Occasionally a person who I only recognized my meeting them once in my life would walk in to grab a soda or talk to me and ask how having such an awesome Dad felt. I would tell them the same thing, “It sucks because I hardly see him.” They would just nod. I don’t think they understand that not having a dad around to tell you what to do or that you look nice that day really sucks balls.
“Happy your Dad’s home kid?” I heard a voice from the door. I turned on my stool and saw a tall skinny man with short black hair, a long skinny nose and a skinny blond hanging on his left arm.
“Uncle Mikey!” I exclaimed, running to him to give him a hug. “And Aunt Caitlyn!” I gave her a hug too.
“Hey kid,” She said, ruffling my short hair. “Who might these young ladies be?”
“That’s Tarryn, Netanya, and Allison.” I said, pointing to my friends. “Guys, this is my Aunt Caitlyn and Uncle Mikey.” The girls just waved and got back to their vegetables.
“So what did you guys get me?” I asked, turning back to Uncle Mikey.
“Nothing.” He said plain and simple.
Great, they go to Japan and don’t bring me back anything! Suddenly I hear my mom let out a small scream and then clapping. I ran into the living room where everyone was surrounded in a circle. The girls and Uncle Mikey fallowed me. I pushed my way into the middle of the circle where my dad held open a box with a diamond bracelet in it and my mom on the floor crying. Dad was smiling really big when Mom jumped into his arms to hug him.
“I think she likes it," Dad said to the people around us. Pulling her away and grabbing her wrist, he started tinkering with the object. I got to get a better look when he did this; pure silver with diamond lettering that spelt out M-A-R-Y. How lovely.
Dad turned to me and smiled.
“And don’t you think I forgot about you.” He said chuckling. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a long, black box. I took a step closer. He opened it and there, lying in the center of the box was a sterling silver necklace with a diamond locket. In the middle of the diamond was a gold cursive E. My eyes felt hot with tears. It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw.
“Happy Birthday, Ella.” He whispered in my ear when I hugged him.
He clasped it around my neck and I held it tight when I walked towards my friends. They gathered around to have a good look at it.
“Wanna go up to my room and chill?” I asked, feeling my face dry from the tears. They nodded and I walked them up the stairs into my room which was quite messy from me trying to find something decent to wear this morning.
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whow. sorry this one took so long guys. having issues trying to get to a computer, lol