‹ Prequel: Mary without Sound

Ella's New Sound

Chapter 3: Tall, Pale, and Skinny

We reached the top of the stairs when I remembered this mornings incident. Panic rose inside me. This is the first time I’m having friends come over and my bed is covered in vagina blood. Oh god…
I kept thinking of a way to avoid any of them from sitting on my bed, let alone, see my bed, when we walking into my room. I finally caught breath when I saw a new bed spread on my bed. Instead of the old yellow and black bumble bee striped covers and sheets, a creamy jade was in its place, with a streak of rainbow in the center.
“Nice bed!” Netanya said happily, sitting on it.
Thank you Mom, I thought. I sat down at my computer. My room was really basic. White walls, wood dressers, a body mirror, loads of pictures and picture frames. Just simple, and that’s how I like thinks…simple.
“Can I see the necklace again?” Allison asked, leaning forward in the bean bag chair.
I unclasped the necklace and gave it to her. She smiled at it, turning it around.
“Have you opened it yet?” Tarryn asked, taking the locket from Allison.
“Nope.” I said. “Le’ me try though,” she handed me the necklace. I eyed it for a moment, wondering if it was a real locket or just a heart shaped necklace. Then I saw the tiny hinge on the left side. I tried to pry it open, but it was stuck.
“Netanya, can you open it?” I asked. She’s the only one of us four that has finger nails long enough to open something like that.
“Sure,” she said, taking the locket. She opened it easily with her thumb nail. “There you go.”
“Thanks.” Inside the hearts was a picture of my dad, but something was different about him, he look younger, pimpled and more rebellious. On the other side wad my mom, only paler, younger, and naïve looking.
“What’s in it?” Allison asked.
“My parents when they were my age, I think.” I said, handing her the locket.
Allison eyed it, then passed it to Netanya, then to Tarryn, then back to me. I closed it up and clasped it back around my neck.
“Wanna go walk? We can hit up Rob’s Quick Stop for some energy drinks.” I said, standing up. The girls nodded and we headed down stairs.
“Ma, we’re going to Rob’s,” I said from the door.
“Be back before six so I can take your friends home.” She called back.
We stepped out into the warm September air. In Washington, it’s very rare to have warm September weather. We walked, talking about boys. Netanya is got with this guy, Tommy, over the summer. She said she met him at a show at the Charleston on Callow.
“He’s such a coconut!” She giggles. Me, Tarryn, and Allison look at each other.
“What the hell do you meant?” I asked, turning right on Sixth Street.
“I mean, he’s Mexican and tan on the outside, but deep down, he’s a white boy.”
We all bust up laughing.
“What about Ella?” Allison asked.
“What about me?” I said.
“Anyone special you met over the summer?” Netanya asked, giving me a smile.
I blush.
“No, I didn’t.” I say. I mean, yeah, I met plenty of guys over my summer break, but none that actually mean anything to me.
“Right…” Tarryn said, laughing a little.
“What about you Tarryn? Hm?” I asked. I knew Tarryn didn’t date since she moved here from Oklahoma. She told me she had a boyfriend, her first boyfriend, and he broke up with her when she moved out her about three years ago. She hasn’t dated since.
Tarryn didn’t answer; we made it to the store. It was small with short shelves of produce. We navigated ourselves to the soda isles. Their energy drink selection was fanatical. It was like walking into a jungle of cans and bottles. From Monsters to Jolts, Sobe Coffee to No Fears, it was like dying and going to heaven.
“Choose your poison.” I said, grabbing a Rock Star Punch. I’m not the biggest Rock Star fan, but I do like flavor, and Rock Star Punch has flavor. Tarryn grabbed a Monster, Netanya grabbed a bottle of water, and Allison grabbed a Jolt Blue Raspberry. We turned to the cash register to pay when I ran smack into a tall person who was right behind me; I was totally unaware of this.
I fell on my back, my Rock Star flying out of my hand. Luckily Tarryn can catch.
“Whoa there, Turbo,” said a deep voice. I looked up at the guy who ran me over. He was very tall and skinny, but in the light I couldn’t see his face.
“Ella, you okay?” Netanya asked.
“Yeah, just ducky.” I said, rubbing my head.
A hand came into view. It was coming from the guy standing over me. I took the hand and he lifted me up. I felt like I was flying as I landed on my feet. The store was spinning, oh wait, that’s me. A pair of hands landed on my shoulders and everything came into view.
The guy was about a foot taller than me with long, straight red hair. He had dark green eyes and quite a few freckles on his face. I would have to say he is drop-dead gorgeous.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked.
I nodded my head. Now I wish I hadn’t of said ‘just ducky”.
“I’m Sebastian.” He said, flashing me his white teeth at me.
My mind went blank…
“This…” I heard Allison say, “Is Ella.”
My face grows hot. Oh great, now I’m an idiot who can’t remember her own name!
“Yeah, Ella,” I managed to breathe out.
“Nice to meet you,” He was still holding onto my shoulders. How long have we been standing here?
“Well, don’t want to be rude, but we have to get back to Ella’s place so her mom can take us home.” Tarryn said, putting the drinks on the counter.
I somehow floated out of his grip, to the counter, paid, and started to head out of the store without even realizing it until I heard his sweet voice.
“I guess I’ll see you at school, if you go to Bremerton,” He called behind me.
I turned. Why haven’t I ever noticed this cute guy before?
“Did you just move here?” I caught myself asking.
“Yeah, from Utah.”
I smiled.
“Okay, see you at school.” I said. I turned back to the girls and walked out of the store.
Oh my God, he is so fine!
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I'm so sorry. My step mom just got laid off, so its been hard to find a good computer to write at...