‹ Prequel: Mary without Sound

Ella's New Sound

Chapter 4: Lost in a sea of Teenagers

“Oh, my God, you so froze.” Allison said, laughing so hard that tears were streaming down her face.
“Thank you so much for reminding me,” I say feeling my face cool as it goes back to its normal shade of peachy tan.
We walked up my porch and into the house. Most of the cars that were outside of the house earlier are now gone. Only two or three cars remain.
“Mom, we’re back.” I say from the living room. Everyone must be in the kitchen. I could hear laughter, then my mom.
“We’re in here,”
I walk towards the kitchen, the girls fallow behind me. In the kitchen, I found Mom sitting on Dad’s lap. Across from them were Uncle Mikey and Aunt Caitlyn. At the island counter were Uncle Gerard, and Uncle Frank.
“We should probably get you girls home.” Mom said, getting up and brushing her skirt flat.
“Thank you for having us over Mrs. Toro.” Netanya said, sticking her hand into her sweatshirt pocket.
“No problem.” Mom said happily.
I stayed home while Mom took my friends back to their houses. I wanted to spend some time alone with the guys.
“So Ella how’s school?” Dad asked, pulling a bag of Reese’s out of the cupboard.
“Fine, it just started today.” I reply, looking at Uncle Frank who was dropping Teddy Grams into a glass of milk and pretending they’re drowning.
“What classes are you taking?” Uncle Mikey asked.
“Cool ones.”
Dad looked up from his bag.
“Dad, I’m glad you’re home.” I say, looking into his dark eyes.
“Me too.”
The good thing about him being home, is that it will be a couple more years until he leaves again.

The halls were crowded and once again, I found myself unable to find my friends. I tried looking for Tarryn’s crazy hair, but I got nothing; just a bunch of blonds and burnets. Shoulders and elbows were everywhere. Four years of this is too long.
“Hey, Ella?” a voice came from behind me.
I turned to see those dark green eyes that I saw the day before.
“Oh, hi Sebastian. How are you?” I ask the moment his name matched the face in my head.
At the exact moment he was going to answer me, someone bumped into both me and him and we were pressed against each other. My head is level to his chest. I have never been this close to a boy before. I inhale deeply, trying not to seem too obvious that I’m smelling him. A mix of body soap and lavender filled my nostrils.
“Let’s step outside.” He said. I can hear his heart beating.
He grabbed my arm and was pulling me in the direction of the front door. I normally don’t stand outside this early in the morning, but whatever it takes if it means talking to Sebastian more. The door opened and a rush of freezing September air hit my face.
“What’s up?” I ask, looking at his freckled pale face.
“I was, uh, wondering if you’d show me around the school; since I don’t know anyone.” He gave a weak smile.
Oh, my God. He wants me to show him the school!
“Uh… sure. Why not?”
“Cool.” He looked relieved.
“Let me see your schedule.”
Sebastian pulled out a folded piece of paper containing his classes for this semester.
“Wonderful. We have first period together. And fourth period. Do you remember Allison, the girl with pink in her hair? She’s in our fourth period too.”
He nodded, looking over my shoulder at his own schedule.
“And since we have fourth period together, we have lunch together.” I look over at him. He’s almost an inch away from my face.
“That seems to be about it. I can show you where the rest of your classes are after first period.” Good thing I started using mouth wash with extra bad breath extermination.
The bell rang and the kids outside started to herd back into the school.
“Shall we?” Sebastian asked.
“We shall.” I said, blushing.
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Sorry it has been too long. I've been wrapped up in Summer Love <3