‹ Prequel: Mary without Sound

Ella's New Sound

Chapter 5: Homecoming Ball

“Homecoming is in a week and a half and I still don’t have a date!” I told Tarryn. We were sitting on my bedroom floor, working on our History assignment.
“What about Sebastian? For the past three weeks, you two have been inseparable.” She stated. She was right. It has been a dream-come-true when Sebastian would show up at my door to walk me to school, or when he’d call me to go over the notes I took in class. Just the sound of his voice would make my heard race, my cheeks flush, and my hands sweat.
“He hasn’t said anything about it.” My voice dropped. Sebastian came over for dinner two days ago and my parents loved him. Mom thought he was very charming and Dad thought he had a decent head on his shoulders. I thought he was perfect all together. Now that Homecoming has come up, Mom won’t drop the subject about him taking me. She asks constant questions about when he’s going to ask me or why I haven’t told her anything. Well mom, how am I supposed to know when he’s going to ask me?!
Just then, my cell phone started to buzz.
“Ella, turn your damn phone off!” Tarryn yelled, trying to toss my phone across the room. I snatched it from her and looked at the caller ID. It was Sebastian.
“I got to take this.” I said, standing up.
“But Ella,”
“Hello?” I answered, stepping out of the room.
“Ella? How are you?” Sebastian’s voice was soft and sweet. My mouth went dry.
“I’m fine, what’s up?”
“Nothing. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You weren’t at school.” He sounded worried. Aw! How sweet!
“I’m fine.” I say. “Just had a dentist appointment.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Hey El?” I could hear the nervousness in his voice.
“Would you want to go to Homecoming with me? I could take you out for dinner and we’d go to the dance, and it’d be awesome.” He started to panic. Oh god! Did he regret asking me?
I couldn’t breathe. I suddenly felt like a princess getting her one-way ticket to the ball.
“Yes?” I’m such a dummy! Now he’ll think I don’t pay attention!
“So would you like to go?” he asked the question again. This means he doesn’t regret it. This means, he really wants to go with me!
“Yes. Totally!” I hoped I didn’t sound too eager.
“Awesome. I’ll see you at school then?”
“Yup.” I closed my phone and stared at it for a minute. I just got asked out on my very first date. My very first real dance. WITH SEBASTIAN GREGORE!!!!!! Bursting through my bedroom door, I screamed.
“So, he asked you?” Tarryn said, covering her ears with her hands.
I screamed again as a response and flopped on my bed, a huge smile on my face. Nothing can ruin this for me. Nothing.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so sorry that it has taken so long. It has been a rediculous first 6 weeks of school. i will hopefully update asap. Love you guys!
