‹ Prequel: Mary without Sound

Ella's New Sound

Chapter 6: Veggies, not meat

The same night, Tarryn stayed over for dinner. The whole family was over. Unfortunately, Uncle Frank was cooking and almost burnt down the whole kitchen. We were suppose to have noodles with home made sauce, bread, and meatballs. Did I mention that my friends and I are vegetarians?
“Frank, what did you drop in the burner?!” my mom screams as smoke rose from the over top. She hit him with an oven mitt and turned off the burners. Tarryn and I were hiding behind a chair in the kitchen, avoiding the splatter of the red sauce.
“I don’t even know!” He screamed back.
“Are you sure it’s safe to sit here and watch?” Tarryn asked.
“What are you, chicken?” I looked at her with her newly dyed blue hair that always reminds me of blue raspberry candy.
“No, I’m Tarryn. And I don’t feel like dying from your Uncle’s cooking.”
“I can hear you two.”
We both looked up to find Uncle Frank looming over us. I gave a weak smile.
“Sorry Frank, but I don’t blame the girls.” Mom said. “You have never been good at cooking. Remember when we were kids and I had to show you how to pour milk into your bowl of cereal? Because you didn’t know which to put in first, the cereal or the milk?”
Uncle Frank just looked at her.
Inside the oven, yellow and orange flames danced in the window. The home made garlic bread was on fire.
“FRANK!” We all screamed.

That Monday, I was sitting on my porch, waiting. My heart was beating really fast. It’s the Monday before Homecoming, spirit week has begun. I’m dressed in my old baseball jersey. The number seven was printed on the back under the words “Turbo Toro”. Tis Sports Day.
I hadn’t talked to Sebastian since he asked me to Homecoming. He was going to meet me on my porch, as usual, and walk me to school. But he hasn’t shown up yet. I checked my watch. Quarter to seven. I have twenty minutes to get to school, so I better start walking.
I pulled my bag over my shoulder and headed down the street.
“Ella, wait up!”
I turned to see Sebastian running down the road, trying to catch up with me. I stopped walking and smiled; waiting. He was wearing baby blue, knee length shorts, baby blue, mesh-like tee shirt, visor, and was carrying a tennis racquet. Awe, how cute, he plays tennis.
“Hey, what’s up?” I say.
We started walking again and he fell into step with me.
He smiled.
“Couldn’t find my racquet.” He held up the neatly weaved tennis racquet.
I nodded. The air was shockingly warm for October. But I’m not complaining. I hate the cold.
“How was your weekend? He asked.
I shrugged.
“Fine,” I replied.
On the contrary, it wasn’t fine. My dad was giving me a weird look and mom kept smiling. Why, do ask? Because, Tarryn spilled the beans about Sebastian asking me to Homecoming…during our fucked up family dinner. And all weekend, I kept thinking if it was real or not. Is this whole thing a sign that we should be together? Does this mean he’s my boyfriend?
“Ella? Did you hear me?”
I rubbed my eyes. I need to stop spacing out so much.
“Sorry.” I say.
“I was asking you where you’d like to go to Homecoming dinner.”
The butterflies in my stomach flapped their wings excitedly. If he didn’t want to go to Homecoming, he wouldn’t even bother with dinner.
“Um, I don’t know. Where do you think is good?” I then remembered that he just moved here not only a month ago and shouldn’t know any places. “Never mind, how about Noah’s Arc?”
He just looked at me, thinking. I don’t think he’s been to Noah’s before. But it’s so hard to try and find a place that sells veggie burgers besides Burger King.
“Sure, sounds fun.” He laughed a little. That was when he slipped his hand in mine, out fingers intertwined and he squeezed. Am I dead?
My breathing got a bit heavy and I licked my lower lip. My head was getting very light. Oh, my god…he’s a drug!
I smiled at the thought as we walked up to the school.
“Look, it’s Turbo Toro!”
I turned to see Allison with Tarryn, looking and pointing at me. Then their eyes fell on Sebastian, and their jaws dropped. Obviously, Tarryn forgot about Friday night.
Allison was wearing skinny jeans, tank top, and a beanie, holding a long board. Tarryn wasn’t dressed for spirit week.
“So you two are finally together?” Allison asked as we approached them. Sebastian never let go of my hand from embarrassment. But was he going to deny our relationship now? Only ten minutes into it?
“Of course.” He said.
I think I might faint.
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