Status: Hiatus

Arkham Asylum Records: Patient 4297

File 1

The following transcribed recordings are for the expressed purpose of medical research and is the sole ownership of Gotham City's Arkham Asylum Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program staff and facilities. Doctor M. O’Shea is currently responsible for the therapy sessions for Patient #4297.

Transcribed by D. Kissinger.


O’SHEA: This is Doctor Matthew O’Shea of the Arkham Asylum Center for the Criminally Insane. In a few moments, Patient 4297 will be joining me to start on his first therapy session. Patient 4297, known only by the alias “The Joker,” was brought in by Police Commissioner J. Gordon on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at approximately 9:00 pm central standard time.

Dr. H. Quinzel performed the initial evaluation and has determined that the patient displays symptoms associated with Manic Depression and Antisocial Personality Disorder. Dr. Quinzel has suggested starting Patient 4297 on a combination of the medications Seroquel and Depakote.

It is currently Monday, October 6, 2008. The time is 9:00 am. Mr. Smagorinsky, could you please have Patient 4297 brought in?

SMAGORINSKY: Certainly, Doctor.

*Pause while PATIENT 4297 is brought in*

O’SHEA: Thank you, Mr. Smagorinsky. You may leave.

*Pause while SMAGORINSKY leaves*

PATIENT: Nice guy.

O’SHEA: Yes, he is. Tell me, Patient 4297, how are-

PATIENT: I have a name, you know.

O’SHEA: Of course. My apologies. What is your name?

PATIENT: Now that you mention it, I’m not quite sure what it is anymore.

O’SHEA: Would you rather go by your alias?

PATIENT: Where’s the girl I talked to yesterday?

O’SHEA: Oh, you must be referring to Dr. Quinzel. She is not in charge of your rehabilita-

PATIENT: I would rather talk to her.

O’SHEA: I’ll see what arrangements can be made. Now, we’re getting off track. Tell me, how are you feeling today?

PATIENT: Tired. I’m not a morning person.

O’SHEA: Would you like something from the cafeteria? Coffee, perhaps?

PATIENT: Coffee? Do you trust that I won’t throw it in your face and escape?

O’SHEA: If you told me, surely you wouldn’t try that now. Would you like some?

PATIENT: No. Are you going to take my refusal as a symbol for repressing my pleasure principal?

O’SHEA: No, I’m not a Freudian. Can you tell me why you believe you’re he-

PATIENT: What if I have the Oedipus Complex?

O’SHEA: *Laughs* You’re not between the ages of 3-5. Can you tell me how old you are?

PATIENT: Are you laughing at me?

O’SHEA: No, of course not. The idea of someone well into their adulthood expressing concern at the thought of having the Oedipus Complex just struck me as humorous.

PATIENT: So you were laughing at me.

O’SHEA: We’re off track again. Do you know why you’re here?

*Long Pause: 15 secs.*

PATIENT: Because the batman, for whatever reason, didn’t want me to die. So, he left me suspended from a building while the courageous cops captured me.

O’SHEA: No, I mean, why do you think you were brought here instead of put in Blackgate Penitentiary?

*Long Pause: 25 secs.*

O’SHEA: Do you not kn-

PATIENT: Because I don’t fit in with society, and anyone who isn’t part of the status quo is a threat.

O’SHEA: So why would they bring you here instead of putting you in prison?

PATIENT: That moron from the DA’s office wants me in jail.

O’SHEA: Adrian Fields? Yes. He doesn’t think you’re insane.

PATIENT: And you do?

O’SHEA: That’s what we’re trying to figure out. You have to do some horrible things to get here.

PATIENT:Yeah. So what did you do, Doc.?

O’SHEA: I’m here because I work here. Patients wouldn’t talk to other patients.

PATIENT: I’ve talked to Jonathan Crane.

O’SHEA: Has he been trying to treat you?

PATIENT: I think he likes me.

O’SHEA: Can you-

PATIENT: Not in a way I like. I don’t like talking to him.

O’SHEA: Are you afraid of him?

PATIENT: *Laughs* Afraid? No, no, no. No. I’m not afraid of him. Are you?

O’SHEA: What are you afraid of?

PATIENT: Nothing.

O’SHEA: One more time, can you tell me why you’re here?

PATIENT: I’m here because I want to be. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here.

O’SHEA: Okay. I think we’re going to stop for today. *OVER SPEAKER* Mr. Smagorinsky, could you please escort Patient #4297 back to his room?

*Pause while SMAGORINSKY enters and leaves with PATIENT 4297*

O’SHEA: The Client Progress Note for Patient 4297 is as follows:
Appearance: Unkempt. Disheveled.
Functions: Alert. Slightly Tangential in conversation. Slightly abnormal gestures. The patient “talks” with his hands.
Speech: Normal-Slow. Patient has a lot of pauses, as if searching for precisely the right thing to say.
Behavior: Cooperative at times. Agitated at other times. Unwilling to answer certain questions.

Patient 4297 will be started on the recommended doses of medication provided by Dr. H. Quinzel. The patient has been scheduled to meet again on October 9, 2008. Dr. Quinzel should be present as well.

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