Status: Hiatus

Arkham Asylum Records: Patient 4297

File 2

The following transcribed recordings are for the expressed purpose of medical research and is the sole ownership of Gotham City's Arkham Asylum Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program staff and facilities. Doctor M. O’Shea is currently responsible for the therapy sessions for Patient #4297.

Transcribed by A. Sanchez.


O’SHEA:This is Doctor Matthew O’Shea of the Arkham Asylum Center for the Criminally Insane. I am joined by Doctor Harleen Quinzel, as Patient 4297 had reques-

QUINZEL: More like demanded.

O’SHEA: –Requested her presence during and after the first therapy session. Dr. Quinzel, would you care to continue?

QUINZEL: Certainly. It is Thursday, October 9, 2008 at 5:00pm central standard time. Patient 4297 will be joining Dr. O’Shea and me to discuss the effects of the medications Seroquel and Depakote. Mr. Kissinger, could you please escort the patient in?

KISSINGER: Of course.

*Pause while PATIENT 4297 is brought in*

O’SHEA: Thank you, Mr. Kissinger. That is all for now.

PATIENT: Bye, David.

*Pause while KISSINGER leaves*

PATIENT: I think Mr. Kissinger has a thing for you, girl.

QUNIZEL: Doctor Quinzel.

PATIENT: You don’t look old enough to be a doctor.

O’SHEA: This is Dr. Quinzel’s first year here. But we’ve digressed. How are you feeling today?

PATIENT: I have a headache. This place is messing with my allergies.

O’SHEA: You have allergies? Please understand that we don’t have any sort of medical file on hand. If there’s any type of pre-existing condition, let us know so we can put together a medical file.

PATIENT: He’s gullible.

QUINZEL: He’s trying to help you.

PATIENT: I’d rather you help me, toots.

QUINZEL: Adding “chauvinistic” to the list.

O’SHEA: Dr. Quinzel, I would prefe-

PATIENT: “Chauvinistic?” I prefer your expertise over this guy’s, and that means I think I’m better than you?

QUINZEL: Or misogynistic.

*Long Pause: 20 secs.*

PATIENT: Are you trying to say I’m gay?

QUINZEL: Are you?

O’SHEA: Dr. Quinzel, I will not stand for you berating the patient.

PATIENT: Yes. Someone needs to have her license revoked.

O’SHEA: And I will not tolerate your mockery of this institution or its employees.

*Long Pause: 40 secs.*

Dr. Quinzel, you are dismissed from this session.


PATIENT: Bye, toots.

QUINZEL: You’re unbearable.

*Pause while QUINZEL exits the room*

PATIENT: So, what happened to Smagorinsky?

O’SHEA: He’s sick.

PATIENT: Aren’t we all? *Laughs*

O’SHEA: Well, it's obvious that you're not going to be in a clear state of mind after that incident. I'm going to reschedule another session for tomorrow- without Dr. Quinzel.

PATIENT: But she’s fun.

O’SHEA: *OVER SPEAKER* Mr. Kissinger, could you please escort Patient 4297 back to his room?

*Pause while KISSINGER enters*

PATIENT: Hello, David.

*Pause while KISSINGER and PATIENT 4297 exit the room*

O’SHEA: The Client Progress Note for Patient 4297 is as follows:
Appearance: Unkempt. Disheveled. More so than on the 6th.
Functions: Alert. Not as much digression.
Speech: Normal-Slow. Patient still pauses in different intervals.
Behavior: Talkative. Unwilling to communicate properly.

Patient 4297 will be scheduled to meet back again tomorrow, Friday, October 10. Due to the nature of today’s session, Dr. Quinzel, and possibly other female doctors, are advised to not conduct solo or joint sessions with Patient 4297.

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