Status: Hiatus

Arkham Asylum Records: Patient 4297

File 3

The following transcribed recordings are for the expressed purpose of medical research and is the sole ownership of Gotham City's Arkham Asylum Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program staff and facilities. Doctor M. O’Shea is currently responsible for the therapy sessions for Patient #4297.

Transcribed by A. Sanchez.


O’SHEA: This is Doctor Matthew O’Shea of the Arkham Asylum Center for the Criminally Insane. At the urging of Dr. Bartholomew, I am joined by Dr. Hugh Bina from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. It is Friday, October 10 at 5:00 PM. Patient 4297 will join us in a few moments. Dr. Bina, could you please explain what you intend to do to Patient 4297 today?

BINA: Certainly. I was contacted by Arkham’s Chief of Medicine, Dr. Bartholomew, to try some basic hypnosis techniques on Patient # 4297. It is Dr. Bartholomew’s assumption that Patient 4297 will then open up and express more of his inner thoughts.

O’SHEA: I hope it works. Mr. Smagorinsky, could you being in Patient 4297 for us?


*Pause while PATIENT 4297 is brought in*

PATIENT: Who’s this guy?

O’SHEA: Thank you, Mr. Smagorinsky. That’s all.

PATIENT: I think Smagorinsky’s been hanging out with Bolton.

O’SHEA: What do you mean?

PATIENT: I mean that he’s getting a little rough. Like Lyle Bolton.

O’SHEA: Has he harmed you?

PATIENT: He’s annoying me.

O’SHEA: We’ll look into it, okay? Anyway, I’d like to introduce you to Dr. Hugh Bina.

PATIENT: Hugh Bina? Sounds like Huge Bean.


BINA: Hello. I’d rather not address you as Patient 4297. Is there any other name you go by?

PATIENT: You can call me Joe. Joe Kerr.

BINA: That’s very clever. Okay, Joe. I’m just going to help you try to relax today, okay? Is it possible to move him to the couch, Dr. O’Shea?

O’SHEA: Of course. Why don’t you move to the couch?

*Pause while PATIENT 4297 moves*

BINA: Good, just lie back. I want you to close your eyes. Good. Now, begin to rest all the muscles in your legs… Release the tension in your muscles... Just relax… Very good.

*Pause: 20 secs.*

BINA: Now, relax you torso and spine.

PATIENT: You have a soothing voice.

BINA: Thank you. Now, relax your arms… Don’t clench any muscles, nothing will happen to you here. There’s no need to be on alert… Good. Now, I want you to clear your mind. No thoughts. Just focus on your breathing… Good. Slow your breathing…. Take a deep breath in… and let it out. Okay, another one in…. and release…. Good. Just keep taking deep breaths and letting them out slowly.

*Pause: 30 secs.*

BINA: Okay, Joe. I want you to picture yourself somewhere safe. It doesn’t have to be a real place- just somewhere you belong… It can be an isolated beach… a cabin in the middle of the woods…

PATIENT: It’s a city. Part of it. The Narrows.

BINA: Very good. The Narrows. Joe, is that where you grew up?

PATIENT: No. I was stuck over there. I grew up near the Palisades.

BINA: Joe, were you near the Narrows when the gas was released?

PATIENT: Yes, but it didn’t do anything. I managed to get into Gotham by walking across the subway bridge.

BINA: I see-

PATIENT: There’s a girl. She’s only 13. Wondering alone.

BINA: Oh? What does she look like?

PATIENT: Brown hair. Blue eyes. She wears glasses- black rim. She’s wearing a hoodie. It has a robot on the front. She says it’s her favorite.

O’SHEA: Dr. Bina, is everything alright?

BINA: That’s very descriptive, Joe. Wh-What is this girl doing?

PATIENT: She’s lost. I’m telling her that she can follow me back to The Narrows. It’s fun there.

*Pause: 30 secs.*

PATIENT: She says her name is Emily.

BINA: How…?

O’SHEA: Dr. Bina?

PATIENT: The gas is still spewing. She’s terrified. It makes me angry. There’s nothing to be afraid of, you little bitch! I just smacked her. She’s crying out for her father. I’m going to make her go to Arkham. She’s going crazy!

BINA: Leave her alone!

O’SHEA: Dr. Bina! What’s the matter with you?

*Door opens*

QUINZEL: Dr. O’Shea, we need Dr. Bina. His daughter, Emily, has been found outside the gate, unconscious.


*Tape ends*

♠ ♠ ♠
*bum, bum, BUM*