Kicking Over Blades We See.

Kicking Over Blades We See.

‘We could be in the park and dancing by a tree kicking over blades we see, or a dark beach with a black view and the pinpricks in the velvet catch our fall.’
‘Cubicles.’ - My Chemical Romance

She looked out of her apartment window, to see him standing under their tree. It was almost pitch black outside but she could see every details of his face, she knew it so well. He gave her a soft smile and beckoned her down.
Leaving the balcony immediately, she got to the ground floor and under the tree quicker than he thought possible.
A car whizzed past on the other side of the park and they heard the feint chorus of ‘their song’ floating out the open window. They looked at each other chuckling and smiling a knowing smile. A secret only they shared. They linked arms and started their dance.
Syringes and pill bottles littered the gutters and most of the park. As the couple continued their dancing they saw a blade lying on top of the soil, they swung their legs to kick it in unison as if it was a detailed, carefully choreographed move of the dance.
The blade tumbled in the loose dirt before falling with a small metallic clatter into the gutter, the blood on it was taken for granted.
That was how life operated there, it was a haven for drug addicts, manic depressives and people who weren’t allowed to live any higher than the ground floor in apartments for fear that they might finally have the guts to jump over the edge and end it all.

The rare car or passers by stared at the two as they continued to dance down the pile of cracked concrete that could only just be classified a street. Nothing could stop them and nothing would stop them. They refused to care what anyone thought; they were happy enough existing in their own world.
They were king and queen of a macabre yet morbidly beautiful kingdom.


With an elegant twirl they fell back on to the baron hill that over looked the ocean. Small pinpricks of light in the black velvet above were the only things that caught their fall.

They stared up into the never ending blackness above them.
Confessions were shared. The two confided in each other, regrets, secrets, broken promises and fears.
Why is the world so harsh?
I don’t want to be alone.
Sometimes I think I’ll die alone.
I don’t want to die alone!

Hand in hand sealed with a final kiss filled with lost promises, they forgot about tomorrow.
Tomorrow would never come.

A couple of lovers lost in a world where no one was wanted.

Two forgotten souls trying to find their way home.

They found their way.

Silently they fell over the cliff into the rough ocean over the rocks below.

A promise that they wouldn’t die alone.

Glittering pinpricks in the velvet where the only thing that caught their fall.

Their final fall.