‹ Prequel: Sick


Chapter 10-Bliss

Adam and I were lying in a park. Oh yeah, we're cool like that. Little kids were running around us, and a few parents glared. But, hey come on now, its fucking New York...

It had been three weeks since the incident with Adam. We were fine now. Everything was perfect. Not that cheesy perfect.That lame perfect that you read about in books and that never comes true,The perfect that everyone strives to be, and never gets it.No, we were perfect-Adam and Skylar style.We had petty fights, like When Adam didn't take his meds, and I freaked out, without hearing his side of the story. Or when I woke up and secretly used the scale and saw I gained a pound and then didn't eat for the rest of the day...Adam and Skylar perfect.

Adam ran his hand over my hair, smooshing my bangs into my face.
"You're such a freak" I muttered.
"I know" He said, smiling back at me.
The cool breeze shook the grass and our hair. This was perfect. Adam and Skylar style. Adam rolled on top of me, causing some looks to be shot our way, but we didn't care. We didn't ahev a care in the world. We didn't care what anyone thought of us. Hell, we didn't care what we thoguht of ourselves. As long as we had eachother, it was fine.

The sun was setting, and Adam finally rolled off of me. Yes, we had been in that position for about an hour. Mindlessly talking and laughing. Everyone had left, It was just Adam and I.
Adam was lying beside me. He took my hand, and wrapped his around mine. He sat up, and pulled me up with him.

"Be mine, forever." He asked, holding alittle silver band.
Tears threated to pour through my eyes, and I stuttered in shock.
"Adam...oh my God...Of course...Always!" I whispered, trying to hold back tears.
Adma slipped the ring on my left hand, and we cried tears of joy.

This was bliss.
♠ ♠ ♠
the end.
I just decided...at the begining of writing this chapter, i didnt know it would be the end...but i decided it would be:]
love you all.thank you so much for reading this.