Status: Hiatus. Sorry guys.

Jack and Kelly's Infinite Playlist


I sat fidgeting in my History seat, watching and waiting for the clock to strike 3. That would be the official start of my weekend, and I couldn’t wait. It’s not that I had anything planned; I just couldn’t stand being stuck in school for another moment.

I finally heard the bell sound, and threw my headphones on my ears. I hit play on my iPod, and let myself get lost in the Senses Fail that was playing. I quickly threw my pen and notebook into my bag, before getting up and making my way to my locker.

“Kelly. Kelly. KELLY!” I heard as I got to my locker, but chose to ignore it.

I threw the books I didn’t need into my locker, before I felt someone try to tug my headphones off my ears.

“Leave me alone Katie, I’m in the zone!” I said as I started dancing causing her to laugh.

“Nice moves dork,” Katie said as she pulled a face.

“Ugh, here comes the bitch,” I said slamming my locker closed.

“Tia isn’t that bad, Kelly,” she said as she turned towards Tia, “Hey Tia.”

“Hey girls,” she said giving me a weird look, “Oh look, he made another one.”

She opened her purse, and withdrew a mix CD, before laughing and throwing it into the trashcan.

“He’s still not over me,” she said flipping her hair, “It’s amusing. Whatever, I’m leaving this place. See you guys later.”

“Bye Tia,” Katie and I said in unison.

I eyed the mix CD in the trashcan, debating to grab it. I mean, I had already listened to about 3 of the ones Tia’s ex-boyfriend had made her.

“Don’t even think about Kelly,” Katie said as she saw me eyeing the CD.

“Why not Katie!?” I said just grabbing it, “I mean, look at this mix. It’s all decorated, and has great cover art. I mean, the fact that it’s volume 12 is kind of sad, but still.”

“Whatever, just don’t fall in love with this guy,” she said laughing.

I started to open my mouth to protest, but decided that it was just pointless. The two of us finally decided to make our way to my car, so we could head to my house. We had just gotten out of the school, when Katie started freaking out.

“DUDE!” she said waving her phone in front of my face, “How do you feel about blink 182?”

“They’re only my favorite band ever,” I said excitedly, “Why do you ask.”

“Well, a little bird just told me that they’re playing a show in the city tonight.”

I just let out a squeal, causing Katie to join me. We started chanting ‘BLINK’ loudly, before making my way to my car.

“If we go tonight, you can’t leave me and get drunk,” I said turning towards Katie with a serious look on my face.

“Oh, like I’d ever do that,” she said trying to act innocent.

“I’m serious Katie, let’s just have a fun sober night for once,” I said almost pleading.

“Alright Kelly, I’ll stay sober,” she said as I started backing out of my spot.

“Good, tonight is going to be hella fun,” I said smiling.

She just smiled largely, and turned up the radio before started driving towards my house.


Once we got to my house, we threw all of our stuff in my room, before heading back down to my kitchen. I saw a note on the counter from my dad saying he and my mom had gone away for the weekend.

“Well, we have the house to ourselves,” I said as we rifled through the cabinets.

“That means we can party it up!” Katie said laughing, “Can I have just a few shots before we go?”

“Katie, no!” I said causing her to pout, “Alright, fine whatever. Just don’t overdue it. I’m going to shower real quick.”

“Thank you!” she said hugging me, “Can I have a shower too?”

“When have I ever said no?”

“Uhm, never?” she said as she pulled out a shot glass.

“Exactly,” I said laughing, “Don’t get too drunk.”

She gave me a salute, before I made my way back upstairs to get ready. I heard my phone ringing, but chose to ignore it when I saw it was Derek. I’d make up some lame excuse for him to believe later.

I shed my clothes, before hopping into my rainfall shower. I knew I only had a short time to get ready, so I showered as quick as I could.

Once I was out, I picked out a pair of skinny jeans, and a bright red v-neck with a blue camisole to go under it so I wouldn’t show too much skin. I pulled on my regular bracelets along with a pair of my hi-top Adidas before finishing getting ready.

About 20 minutes later, I was finally done. I had my long black hair straightened and some eyeliner around my eyes. I gave myself a final glance in the mirror and decided that I was done, before making my way downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and groaned as I saw a half empty bottle of Tequila on the counter.

“KATIE!” I yelled in anger.

“WHAT!?” I heard her slightly slur from the bathroom.

“I said only a few shots!”

“You never said how big the shots could be!” she said as she started giggling.

“Ugh!” I said as I put the liquor away in frustration, “Whatever, let’s get going so we can catch the train.”

“Alright, let’s go,” she said emerging from the bathroom.

She was wearing a semi-short teal dress with a black tweed print on. Her already tall frame was made even taller by her stilettos, which I knew she would be stumbling over all night.

Luckily the train station was close to my house, so we were able to walk. Well, Katie stumbled, and I made sure she didn’t fall into the street.

I was finally able to relax when we were safely on the train and on our way to the city.
I just hoped that tonight would be fun, and I could avoid all confrontations with a certain bitch.
♠ ♠ ♠

I hope ya'll like it.
Comments would be appreciated.
