Her Lips Stained Cherry Red


Is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?
When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?
Then think of what you did
And how I hope to God he was worth it.
When the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch his skin.
I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck
Than any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you had me
Girl I was it, look past the sweat, a better love deserving of
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat?
No, no, no, you know it will always just be me

Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?

Annie's P.O.V

My hands ran through my greasy black/brown hair. I really needed to take a shower. The day after tomorrow was my birthday, I, Annie Red Lux was turning sixteen. I passed by a house, the exterior was alright. The panels were an ugly pink, the color of pepto-bismol. The second floor windows had hand marks and smears all over them.

“Aiden how about we finger paint?” The little girl giggled.

“I want to but my mom is going to take my Power Rangers away if I do.” Aiden said with a stuck-in-between look on his face.

The little girl smiled with bright eyes then shrugged it off and grabbed Aiden's soft hand and pulled him upstairs. The two little kids ran around crazily until Aiden ran into a stack of books.

“Shit!” Aiden cussed.

The little girl gasped and held her tiny palm to her pink lips.

“Oh, I'm sorry Annie, I didn't mean to say that forgive me?” He forced his little body to walk forward to Annie and wrapped his hand around her petite frame.

Annie sat down on the creaky attic floor and grabbed some of the books Aiden ran into. One of the books had a beautiful cover. Filled with curiosity she grabbed the book. The cover was woven and the spine of the book was falling apart. The title read “Pishacha.”

Aiden's bright blue eyes widened and he snatched the book away from the girl's hand. “My mama told me no matter what, never, ever, to touch any of the books in here.” He wagged a finger at Annie and put the dusty books back in place.

This house was the casa of my best friend Aiden. Now, Aiden here was a beauty. He had piercing blue eyes and Asian-like hair. He was skinny, but not lanky. He had pale skin, that wasn't pasty unlike mine, and two piercings on the lip.

On the other hand, I had, as I said earlier I had pale, pasty skin. I was a lanky chick, too skinny maybe? My arms were like toothpicks, something you could snap into two, without even using an ounce of your strength. I had boring old pale hazel eyes that would change colors at certain times. My hair wasn't anything special, it was a natural black with natural brown highlights. As I said, I wasn't anything special.

As I was saying, Aiden and I were best friends since 98', I had his back and he had mine. Plus, he was my only friend, everyone else thought I was a freak.

My car pulled into my red driveway. My house was an average middle-class house. I had Green panels and a stone path, that led to the front door. I stared at the stones as I slowly walked to the door. Each stone was so unique, none of them the same color. Maybe from a distance it would all look the same, but if you looked at it really closely you'd see that it was different from every other stone. Each and every tiny little grain had a completely different color. I kinda thought of it, as a person's fingerprint.

I saw Aiden's mom walking out the front door to go get the mail. Ms. Paxton was a very good-looking woman for her age. She had cat-like features and her eyes were a stunning violet color. I used to always think they were contacts, but they looked really real. Ms. Paxton was a single mother, which I could not figure out why. She was in her late 40's and had a better body than me. She was skinny but had all the right curves in the right places. She was also pretty freaking tall, maybe about 6”5. She kinda reminded me of Catwoman.

“Hey Ms. Paxton!” I yelled out to her.

She turned her head toward my direction. She had this look on her face that screamed 'I could kick your ass right here and now.' When she saw my face, her expression quickly turned into a smile. It wasn't one of those sweet and warm motherly smiles, more like 'I'm gonna eat you' smile. Lately, I've been getting a lot of those looks. Maybe its because I'm turning sixteen, and she thinks I'm gonna take away her baby boy's innocence due to sexual tension.

“Hello Annie, how is your mother doing?” She smiled in a twisted twisted way.

“Yeah, she's doing pretty awesome I guess. Wheres Aiden?”

“Oh, he's at Rob's house finishing up a project.” She responded.

I muttered 'Jackass' and said a quick goodbye to Ms. Paxton. I hurried up to my room and put on my cherry bikini. It was one of my least favorites, I only bought it because it came with a hat, that had a huge ass cherry on top of it.

My pool was recently renovated and I couldn't wait to go swimming in it again. I scurried over to the outdoor recliner as if someone would get it before I would. I lay there soaking up the warmth of the son into my pores. I liked sunbathing, I wasn't going to get a tan but, it was very relaxing. It's weird I couldn't tan, maybe I was part albino? I put on my favorite pair of sunglasses and relaxed on the chair. I put the white earphones into my ears and listened to Blink 182, soon I fell asleep.

I felt water drops collide with my skin. I strained to open my eyes. I finally got them to open and once I saw what was standing over me I screamed “Ahhhhh!” loudly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aiden Paxton; I was too lazy to look for a real picture so I thought 'Alex Evans, why the fuck not?'

And for those of you who don't know. The italicized words are flashbacks except for the word "casa" That means home in Spanish.

So, I'm redoing this story. It's going to be super-hella awesomer. <-- Probably not even a word.

No offense to Tiffani. Apparently she thinks I resembled Annie with her.

Comment, bitches.