Her Lips Stained Cherry Red


I’ve given up on giving up slowly, I’m blending in so
You won’t even know me apart from this whole world that shares my fate
This one last bullet you mention is my one last shot at redemption
because I know to live you must give your life away
And I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and
I’ve been locked inside that house all the while You hold the key
And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me
And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because
I gotta get outta here
I’m stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake
I gotta get outta here
And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging You to be my escape.

Aiden's P.O.V

Annie lay there, on the cold hardwood floor. A few seconds ago, everyone witnessing this event, something had happened to Annie. It seemed that everything was in slow motion. Her uncle Paulie rushing to her side. There was a little 'swish' and my head spun and I was back in reality.

“Oh shit, Oh shit!” My Annie was on the floor unconscious. She was so beautiful, even when she looked so fragile and helpless. I just felt so linked to her since day one. Like, something was pulling us together and if I was too far away, my body felt like it would being torn apart into different directions.

Annie's P.O.V

Beep. Beep. Beep. My eyes were sealed closed, I lifted my hand to wipe my eyes and pain shot through my deltoid and wrist. Once I had full control of my arms I wiped the crust of my eyes and finally took a glimpse of my surroundings. So far, the ceiling was a neon white. I had an IV sticking of my arm. Suddenly the room flashed, flashed and flashed all different sorts of colors.

I was in a dark room. The walls covered in scaly tendrils which twisted along each other. The floors had sickly green goo, there were no doors, no windows, and no way of escaping. The only piece of furniture in the barren room was a dusty old bookcase. I walked towards the old wooden bookcase. There was only one book in sight, it was the book I saw when I was little. The spine of the book was fixed and the woven cover was a different color. The words on the cover read, “Pishacha.”

I held in a gasp and opened the book, the word were in some sort of a different language. Chinese or Indian or some other foreign language. I suddenly blanked out and all I saw was static that you would see on a TV. Next thing I knew, I was in a dining room. There was a woman, she was blonde. Her hair was frizzy and curly but it made her look fierce and independent. Her eyes a striking green. She had such distinct features, she reminded me of someone.

Once again, my eyes flashed.

There were three kids, they looked so terrified. They were talking about something I couldn't quite make out. They all suddenly stopped and looked around their setting.

All of a sudden one of the boys mouth dropped open and there was a hand that stabbed right through his stomach.

The kids, gave a horrid look and started to run away. The kid who was killed was being torn limb to limb by this zombie-like creature. The creature started to consume the human. The horrible crunching sound made me want to gag, but of course, I had no control over my body.

What was happening to me?

Something happened and I was back to scene one. Once again, the wall was white. There was someone standing over me talking. I couldn't comprehend anything. Everything was a blur and everything I heard was just a blob.
♠ ♠ ♠

Holy Crap, I am just a dickhead.
I haven't updated in the longest time.
I just didn't have any ideas.

I got some inspiration from some horror flick.

Comments, Subscriptions, and/or criticism.

"Be my escape." by Relient K