
Coffee (because there isn't a better title)

Jenna faced the window, watching the sun rise. It couldn't compare to sunsets but was pretty. Right now, the sky was yellow and pink, the darkness was disappearing. Soon the sky was an icy blue with a tint of pink on the horizon. The sun was glowing brilliantly but still low in the sky. She could hear a quiet door opening behind her but she didn't look back, just stared at the sky.

"What are you doing up this early?" said Lisa groggily.

"I'm not sure, I just woke up.."

Jenna heard Lisa say something she couldn't make out. Jenna went upstairs again while Lisa made coffee. She had work soon, Jenna knew.

Jenna began to brush her long, knotted hair, which proved itself an arduous task. Then she changed into jeans and a black tank top. She turned on the TV to see her favorite show as a child, The Rugrats.

"C'mon Guys! Lets save Reptar!" Tommy bravely ordered.

Jenna sat on the bed and watched it, just like when she was little. There was a marathon and she didn't know how long she'd been watching when Leah came in.

"Hey-mail, here."


With her, you'd think a complete sentence was so strenuous.

She picked up the envelope quickly.
It was only a short note.

Dear Jenna,
Thats wonderful.

We'll plan ASAP. Your cousins and I could come anytime, just talk to your family and send a letter back.


Jenna looked at the clock. It was already one. She heard Leah and Julie fighting about a shirt or something, and Mr. J attempting to break it up. Jenna decided to wait until they were finished. Those two were truculent when fighting, thus Jenna had to wait a long time. Finally, Mr. J managed to arbitrate between them and end the quarrel.

Jenna went downstairs to find him.


"Oh, hi, Jenna."

"I got another letter from my auntie," I said "She asked what date might be okay."

"How about this thursday?"

"She said anytime is fine, she gave me her number so I can call right now."

"The phone isn't on the charger. I think Leah had it."

Jenna ran upstairs to find it.

She dialed the numbers slowly, to make sure it was right.

She heard the answering machine pick up.

"Hi, Auntie, Its Jenna." She began "I talked to Mr. J and he said that Thursday would be a good day, if you aren't busy. Call me back at" *insert number of your liking here* "as soon as you can and let me know if you're coming. I love you, bye."

She called back soon after, letting her know she would be coming.