

The morning came, and Jenna woke with the sun. Because she was excited. And because a loud, annoying bird outside her window wouldn't shut up. She layed there until after seven, then got up and picked an outfit. She would wait longer to go in the shower so she didn't wake anyone, but brushed her hair, surprisingly unknotted.

Until about nine, she used the computer to check email and Mibba.

New comment on her profile & poems. She got up afterwards. She knew everyone was up, considering the new fight that was brewing between Leah and Julie.

After she went in the shower she went back on the computer. She had a new email, an ad about Oprah. Something about Green Tea. She deleted it.

After what seemed like forever, there was a knock on her door. Kyle walked in. "Hey Jenna!"

"Hi Kyle..."

"Some lady's here asking for you."

Jenna's POV
My heart took a giant leap, knowing that I was seeing the Aunt I havn't seen in almost two years. It doesn't sound like a lot but to me, that's forever, considering a day felt like a week when I was with Dad.

I shut down the computer and ran downstairs...almost falling down them... a few times.

I made it to the living room. Lisa & Mr. J were introducing themselves when I came in. Julie was talking to Carlie, who is also 13. Zach's 5 and looks sooooo different. I couldn't wait to talk to them.