

Carlie had a habit that was often frowned upon, which she demonstrated upon Jenna's entrance.

She broke from her conversation with Julie as soon as she realized Jenna was coming down the stairs. The girls excitedly hugged, sort of screaming and soon they both broke into tears. Jenna wasn't sure why. Maybe because she hadn't seen her in so long and she was upset she missed so much? Or overjoyed to be finally seeing her? Perhaps both?

Within a few minutes, Auntie Lynn joined their hug and emotion-fest. Zach lingered shyly and slightly bewildered at their psychotic behavior. It took almost twenty minutes for everyone (*cough* Jenna, Carlie, and Auntie Lynn *cough*) to calm themselves.

Jenna actually looked at her cousins. Carlie wasn't the cute little ten year old that she remembered. She was taller and thinner, with her face losing its childish roundness. Her thick black curls had been tamed and straightened and she had braces with purple elastics. She just turned 13.
Zach was only five, and last seen when he was barely three. He was tall for a five year old with tanned skin and slight sunburn on his cheeks. He was a chubby baby but wasn't any more, he looked more strong.

"How are you, Jenna?" Carlie asked.

"Alright, you?''

"I have so much to tell you later."

"Jenna, would you like to see the pictures from what you missed?" Auntie added.

Jenna nodded excitedly.

Auntie pulled a bulky photo album from her striped tote bag, skipping a few pages.

She first showed her a picture of Auntie Emma and her fiance, Auntie Emma with a large round belly. Jenna listened as Auntie gave her articulate details about each photo. Her cousin Alicia wore a silky white gown, surrounded by their other cousins: Mia, Lizzy, & Ceilia and her best friend, Ashlee. Each of the bridesmaids wore a sunny yellow gown and trendy eye make-up.

There were various pictures depicting events of the bridal shower, ceremony, and the reception. Then there was a few of a baby shower for Aunt Emma, and the new baby, who was named Natalia.

There was Zach's first day at Kindergarden and a few of Carlie's dances, birthday parties, holidays, and the occasional Christianing. Auntie smilied and hugged Jenna again. "I missed you so much. Its almost three years. Wow. It's so horrible why it took that long," she touched the scar lining Jenna's eye. "Sweetie, how did you get this?" her voice kind and curious.

"Punched me in the eye..." Jenna mumbled and lowered her eyes, noticing that Auntie Lynn had some nifty shoes.

For the first time in Jenna's memory, she saw Auntie look angry. More so talking to herself than anyone she muttered something like "If I ever see that b*stard again, he'll regr-" she was no longer audible, but noticed more scars and kept muttering angrily. "I'm happy someone noticed,"she clearly spoke (finally...). Turning to Mr. J, she said "Thank you so much, I can't even express how much..."

Jenna had forgotten he was in the room. He nodded. "What else was I supposed to do?"

Carlie spoke in a sad tone. "Uncle always seemed so kind." Jenna clearly remembered being little, running around the house with Carlie playing dress up or adventure games they made up. Distinctly, she remembered him being "the fun uncle." She scoffed to herself.

Mr. J, Lisa, and Auntie engaged into a conversation about a musician from when they were young while watching Zach and Kyle play through the window. Jenna and Carlie left the room to Jenna's room.

Carlie brought her bright purse and pulled her yearbook out. She started to tell Jenna about all their old friends. They'd gone to the same school until 4th grade, when Dad made Jenna move away.

She pointed out the snobby, popular girl from then, Jamie, who now had braces and a facefull of pimples and acne. Although it seems cruel to laugh, you don't understand the type of person Jamie was. The backstabber that talked about their own friends and horribly taunted the "ugly, poor people." She caused internet scandals at the young age of 9 and was a suck-up so teachers LOVED her.

Then Jenna marveled at how adorable her old friend Derek had become. And couldn't believe how different each of her friends looked. Then they talked about which celebrities were hot. They agreed that Daniel Radcliffe was ugly.

"Robert Pattinson was cute as Cedric Diggory but not so much otherwise." Carlie said.

"Meh, he's okay. I think that Johnny Depp is cute."

"He looked like Michael Jackson in Charlie & the Chocolate Factory."

"Agreed, most definately."

They chattered light heartedly, until the subject of child abuse reared its ugly Jamie-like head.

"What's it like? I mean obviously awful, but..." Carlie said shyly, she didn't really want to ask.

"Its like you are completely helpless. Like, it feels like you are defenseless... and still horrifying. Once he broke my arm, and he wasn't drunk or even high."

Carlie winced, just thinking about it.

Their conversation halted for a few minutes, leaving each to their thoughts.

"Carlie, Jenna!" someone downstairs called.

Jenna's POV
I followed Carlie downstairs, seeing Lisa.

"Do you girls want to watch a movie?"

We both nodded. Leah was home from work, sitting in the recliner. Julie was stretched out on the floor, in front of the three adults who were on the couch. The two boys were on the floor in the corner playing with something. The only open seats were the two on the love seat, so Carli plopped down next to me. The movie was Nacho Libre.

I didn't care much about it, it was pretty dumb. But as long as I was with Carlie, Zach and Auntie.

It was growing close to nine by the end of the movie, so it was time for them to go. I felt so sad when I hugged them goodbye, even though they should be here again soon, or I could go to their house.

Auntie told me that they were looking at a few houses so they should move soon, so it could be anytime that I move in with them.

That night I cried myself to sleep.