
No Title

Jenna's POV
I woke stiffly. I cried so badly last night. I wasn't entirely sure why, although I'm rarely sure why it is that I cry lately.

I think it was being with my family, remembering, realizing what I missed, just everything. They don't even know where mom is. How's anyone else?

Someone knocked on my door. Julie.

"Hey, Jenna. Wanna watch Ahkeela and the Bee?"

"Um...sure. I'll be down soon, go ahead and start the movie." She went back downstairs and I was free to trudge to the bathroom to relieve my brimming bladder and brush my hair that looked like hell. I pulled it back into a messy bun and got dressed. I wore the obnoxious bangle and then scooted down the steps.

It was a few minutes into the movie. I stared at the screen. "Daddy, ain't you got no job?" Ahkeela asked her dad. It was going to be a long day, I hypothesized sadly looking at the clock. It turn out to be an okay movie.

Then Lisa took me to that annoying therapist on her way to work. I read a Highlights magazine, considering there wasn't anything of interest this time.

I read three of them, each time the Timberwoods got stupider. And the "Find Its" easier. I groaned. Of course she'd be twent minutes late. Her name was Donna and she smelled like an old cat lady. I guess she was nice.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but your father was intoxicated during each of these attacks?"

"Often but not always. Once he broke my arm and the whole deal while he wasn't drunk." I'd been sitting still for too long.

"So he did often?"

No freakin duh. I said that five minutes ago. "Yes, almost every day." I sweetly replied.

"Was your mother there?"

"She-" I hated the subject of mothers. Painful, considering I had no clue where mine is. "She actually left when I was little. In her note, it said that he was cruel to her too and almost killed her once. She tried to bring me." I started wistfully at a ceramic cow perched on her desk.

By the time she said I could leave, I was crying. I stopped before Leah got here, my eye were still red and now itchy.

We walked in the freshly painted front door to Kyle sitting on the couch watching Disney Channel. Lilo & Stitch was on. Of course it was the part that makes me cry, Ohana means family and Nani talking to Lilo on the hammock.

Sad, sad. I went up to my room to hide my arriving tears. It was almost dinner time. I had to stop crying.

I was called to the dinner table, last to get there besides Julie. There was corn on the cob and some funky Asian rice dish. Lisa entered the back door while I helped clean up.

Mr. J kissed her on the cheek and asked about her day. She was a bit distraught because a young teenage boy had died of Cancer. She worked at a hospital, if you didn't guess.

He handed her a plate and whispered something in her ear. "Hopefully good news," I heard her mumble. I was going to ask but I figured if he didn't just say it, he wouldn't tell me anyways.

Once Lisa had finished her meal, I put the plate in the dishwasher and she and Mr. J went into their room.

I sat on the loveseat and watched Spongebob with Julie. It was when Patrick became smart. It wasa weird episode, well at least weirder than usual.

It was almost over, so I went to get some water. "Jenna?"

Lisa was in her room to I stood in the doorway with a questining look.

"We got a letter from um... the state...?" Mr. J gave her an expression/nod that said close enough. "Not only has your father been convicted for neglect and abuse and sentenced to 10 years."

I couldn't help but smile.

Mr. J spoke now, also smiling. "And they think they have a lead on where your mother might be..."