
The original chapter 14 never happened...

The first week of August passed somewhat uneventfully. Jenna went to Auntie's once or twice but aside from that, the days passed uneventfully. Leah was sitting on the new brown couch, watching something on MTV.

Jenna sat on the floor with her back against the recently painted red walls listening to My Chemical Romance and rereading Twilight. Kyle came in from playing out in the yard and got some Kool Aide.

Jenna looked at the bright package. The Kool Aide dude always creeped her out. It was all like "Oh Yeah!" and busting through walls spilling juice everywhere. I'd be pretty miffed if someone demolished my wall and spilled juice everywhere... Jenna thought.

Julie walked into the room and plopped down on the matching recliner that unstably rocked back and forth, hitting the wall.

Mr. J was currently at summer school, the last time he'd have to go teach this summer. Lisa was sitting in her room, cleaning out old boxes they found in the basement. "Leah!" she called.

"Yeah, Mom?" Leah called, still staring at the screen.

"Can you check the mail? We haven't in a few days....."

Wordlessly, Leah walked to the front mailbox, coming in with a crapload of envelopes and papers of all sizes. She tossed it to Julie who sorted it, mostly because she knew Leah wouldn't have. She took various envelopes to her mom after handing a "Comso Girl" to Leah and dropping an envelope in front of Jenna, who was still buried in her book.


"hmm?" Leah grunted, then glanced at her sister, who was holding a box that blocked her tan face.

"Mom wanted me to show you these..." she put the cardboard box on the floor in front of Leah, who sat up and looked down. "Do you remember all these?" she said, fondly looking at a messy-haired doll.


Jenna didn't look up but listened to them reminisce, her heart aching. She wished she had a sibling. She wouldn't have felt like an outsider for so long.

She merely reimmersed herself in Bella's story. That way she wouldn't have to listen anymore and could be someone completely different.

The two sisters had long since vacated the family room when Mr. J came home. Jenna was still completely absorbed in her book, in the same position she'd been hours ago.

Jenna's POV

I heard distant speech; thinking it was my mind imagining what Emmett was saying, but no. The voice was actually there, finally at the point of saying my name over and over..

"Jenna...Jenna...Jenna!" Mr. J repeated.

"Oh, um sorry.." I blushed. "What were you saying?"

"How are you?"

"Fine." I said quietly, feeling slightly dazed. "You?"

"Good." He briefly glanced at the floor in front of Jenna. "What's that?"

Jenna moved her knees and noticed a blue envelope laying at her feet.

"From my aunt." I picked it up smiling slightly. I didn't have the faintest idea it was there.

Dear Jenna,

Have they found your mother yet? I know you would have told me but just in case you havent had time...

Anyways, we found a found a lovely house near the old one that's affordable. It's got a veiw of the ocean, and 3 bedroom. If you come to live with us until your mother's found, you might have to share a room with Carlie. I'm not sure if there's another room you'd be able to use.

Will you come live with us?

Auntie, Uncle, Carlie, and Zach.

I was smiling. I'd go live with them until mom was found, once there was room....