
Chaco-Fish-Taco Lives...

There were few days left of summer, each seeming to pass by more and more quickly. They said they had a lead on where mom was but when was it that they were planning on telling me what they found?

I ran downstair when I heard that Kyle had to get the mail. He sifted through the small pile looking at each name when I asked if there was anything for me.

"Sorry, Jenna.."

I sighed and sat near Julie on the couch. She was watching a movie that didn't hold my attention so I wandered back upstairs.

There was still hope for the letter to come soon, I guess. It wasn't addressed to me the first time. I stared at the wall, wondering what mom was like. I remember her kindness, sure, but I was a little kid and didn't know much beyond my very restricted memories.

It didn't seem like I stared at the plain blue wall for over and hour lost in thoughts, but apparently I had. I went down to dinner quietly. I was last to arrive besides Lisa.

I stared at my plate, blankly, after finishing. I hadn't eaten much, though I felt a little sick. I helped clear the table and went back upstairs. I lay down and listened to music, thinking still.

Why did it have to take so long to find her?

I guess I fell asleep because I felt someone taking my iPod from hand and put it away. Once I heard my door close, I looked at my clock. It was only nine. Damn... I pulled my iPod out again and just lay there, looking at the sky that was almost absent of light, besides a few visible stars. I felt exhausted suddenly, so I went to sleep.

I woke to people talking quietly somewhere nearby. It was growing a little louder so I sat up. The sun was pouring into my room, feeling blinding to my eyes. I scratched my forehead. My toe cracked painfully as I moved my foot. I stood and walked downstairs.

I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday but I was starving and didn't feel like changing. I made a bagel and ate it in silence. Lisa walked into the room. "Hey, Jenna. You must've been tired last night. You fell asleep at about eight thirty." Wow. "We, um, got the letter about your mom this morning."