
A chance to learn the truth.

Jenna had barely managed to fall asleep the night before, and then was agravated when she did because she had more of her unescapable nightmares. She stirred a little bit, thankfully without screaming.

After almost another half hour, she was able to break free from the past reality that played like a Horror movie, over and over in her mind. Jenna sat up and heard nothing but an annoying bird outside. The clock was flashing its neon numbers, 5:03 a.m.

Jenna flopped backwards onto her pillow. Mentally, she debated: sleep or don't...sleep or don't...

Frustrated, she sat up and grabbed a random book, which happened to be a copy of Out of the Dust.

Hours passed, leaving her to her thoughts once her book was finished.

But soon afterwards, the door opened, revealing Lisa and Mr. J holding something. Lisa sat on the bed.

"Hey. How are you?"

"Tired," Jenna groggily mumbled.

"Heh, well wake up.." Mr. J said. "Last week we got a letter saying that your mom's stuff from her will was on it's way." This sure caught Jenna's attention. He put a heavy box on her lap.

Jenna's POV

I snapped back into reality, looking at the slightly worn cardboard. I clawed at the thick clear tape with my over-long nails that I'd been meaning to cut...anyways:

I pulled the cardboard flaps open. I pushed aside the minty green packing peanuts to reveal a bunch off assorted objects. I noticed a letter on top and read that first.

To Whom It Is Concerned,
After the death of Ms. Niele Frega, a will was discovered in her apartment after her death on the tenth of July in 2007.

To her ex-husband, she leaves nothing except for a note reading "Burn in Hell."

I couldn't help but laugh.

To her younger sister, Lynn Anderson-Freja, she has left various personal items and her miniature pinscher, as well as a few bonds.

To her neice, Carlie Anderson-Freja, was left a personal item.

To her nephew, Zachary Anderson-Freja, was left a personal item.

To her elder brother, Scott Freja, various person items, as well as a bond.

To her neice, Kirsten Freja, a porcelin doll as well as another personal item.

To her friend, Amy Elleson, various personal items, and a bond.

To her daughter, Jenna Carriman-Freja, various personal items, several bonds, as well as her $11,209.46 bank account.

I ignored the signature and dug through the box, spilling some styrofoam packing peanuts on my sort of tidy bed. The first was a few books, each was thick and had a printed pattern. One was black and white stripes, one was red with pink hearts, and the third was bright blue with tiny black polka dots. I opened the cover of one, realizing they were all diaries. I refrained from reading then right now, no matter how hard it was to resist temptation. Lisa and Mr. J were still sitting side by side at the end of the bed watching me.

"What are the books?" Mr. J asked.

"Diaries," I said in a distracted tone, still sifting through styrofoam. There was another book, but it was thick and large with a weight to match. It was wrapped in black herringbone fabric, a photo album.

I further searched in the deep mess of packing peanuts. A large box. This was swaddled in white felt-like cloth that had a heavy coating of dust. I unwrapped the scratchy fabric and didn't realize right away that it was her wedding gown. I stared at it. It was more beautiful that the pictures coud capture. It was simple with a little silver beading. Then there was my baby book, a baby blanket, a smaller box. I opened it, it had a two page letter that I could wait to read, her wedding ring, my birth announcement, an obituary, and a large quantity of money.

Then there was a notebook full of wonderful drawings; probably hers. I figured the note would explain it. Lisa was looking a the dress. "Beautiful, isn't it?" she said smiling.

I nodded.

After they vacated the room, I looked at the three diaries. Now I had a chance to learn the answers that made me wonder for so long.