
Surprise & a new home

I spent less than an hour packing my scarce belongings. I walked to the car where the social worker was waiting. I slid into the car carring my two bags. I flipped my hair back and shifted in my seat.

The car was going at a speed that made old people look like NASCAR racers. I was impatient, combined with my nerves, making me fidget and wiggle so much, the social worker asked me if I had to use the bathroom.

"No...nervous I guess..."

We pulled over at a tall house, kind of classic looking and white. The social worker got out and knocked on the grey door. For a while, no one answered, so she rang the bell. Finally a brunette girl who was around my age opened the door. I couldn't place why she looked so farmiliar.

She automatically looked a little surprised and happy. "Dad!" she screamed at the stairs.

I suddenly knew, just before Mr. J came into veiw. I was only a little surprised...ok, fine. Very. He had a conversation with the social worker and she left. I was sitting quietly on the couch when he asked if I wanted to see my room, I nodded because I didn't really want to be rude.
"Julie, can you show her around?"

"Sure." The girl who answered the door said. I didn't realize she was still in the room. "follow me. I'm Julie, by the way, if you didn't catch that. This is the kitchen." I kinda guess when i saw a fridge and toaster and such. She guided me up the stairs. "This is the bathroom, my room," gesturing to doors. "my parents' room, my sister's, and my brothers.This is yours.." She opened a door, revealing a light blue room that reminded me of my old one. It only had a bed, bookshelf and closet. "You can put your stuff in here, and unpack later. My mom wants to meet you."

I put my stuff on the bed and followed Julie back downstairs. Now there was a woman and little boy. "You must be Jenna!'' the woman said, hugging me. Normally, I'd find that really creepy but didn't. Just mildly creepy. She looked at me. "This is Kyle, she said gesturing to the boy"

I smiled and said my salutations. The woman spoke again. ''My other daughter isn't here right now, but you meet her soon."
I nodded and smiled. "You don't have a whole lot to say do you?" she joked. "I don't blame you..."

The day passed quickly. It felt a little weird, I guess. I was in my room, hanging up clothes. That took all of five minutes. I wanted to cry but also didn't. It was extremely confusing.
I put my few books on the bookshelf, along with a few pictures in frames.
I put my few person items in places that they fit. Baby blanket and cat on the bed, you know.

I was looking at the pictures again when I saw an actual cat. "Hey," I whispered. It jumped on the bed and rubbed against my leg. I smiled and pet the cat. It was a pretty little calico.