
A chapter


I looked up from the second diary. "Hi.."

Mr. J looked at me, "Still reading?"

"What time is it?"

"Nine." I felt a little confuzzled, glancing at the nearby clock to make sure he was serious. Nine. I've been reading the tiny cursive filling the purple-tinted pages... "Aren't you hungry, Jenna? You havn't been down for any meals; you didn't even have breakfast." Honestly, my stomach hurt. Probably PMS considering it was the middle of the month but I didn't care. I was sort of hungry. I ran downstairs and grabbed a piece of bread and watched the toaster as it glowed against the tanning sides of the baked good.

The last half of the first diary was mainly most people's day-to-day life, besides often mentioning missing me and settling into a new home and such. She'd gotten her own apartment and aparently a dog just before Mr. J entered my room.

I spread a thin layer of peanut putter over the goldish colored toast and sprinkled a smidge of cinnamon. I stared at the counter for a second while holding my plate, merely blinking. I barely blinked since I opened the cardboard box. Mimi, who made a slight disappearence, had been recovered and sat on the table, cleaning her face.

I sat across the table from her, and she strode closer to me, until she was close to sitting on my plate.

"Hi," Lisa said brightly from behind me. I turned and smiled. She was wearing funny colored scrubs from work that made me realize i was still wearing pajamas.

Ah, well. No point in changing now.

"how are you?"

"Fine. You?" I took a bite of toast and sneezed from breathing in stray cinnamon and toast crumbs.

"Bless you. I'm fine. A little girl with cancer was taken off chemo today. She's finally recovered.

"That's great." I said this, wistfully and selfishly thinking that it should have been mom to survive and be taken from the chemo.

It was befuddling to me that someone would die prematurely undeservingly. Why would that even happen.
Yet psychopaths and child molesters *glances pointedly at michael jackson* thrive.

Lisa sat across the table from me with some juice. Quite possibly orange.

Leah stumbled into the house, tripping over Kyle's helmet.

"Must he leave that in front of the door?" she grumbled irratably.

Lisa held a slight conversation with me and leah. "Mimi!" Leah called abruptly at the calico. She looked at Leah with sapphire eyes.

I realized she ate my remaining toast, which wasn't irksome in the least considering I wasn't planning on eating it anyways. I picked up the plate with silver painted flowers and rinsed it of crumbs, placing it on the bottom rack of the dishwasher.

Mr. J left the office, walking into the room. "Jenna?"


"You're sure you want to go to NY?"

"Yes." I still wasn't entirely sure if I could handle it.

"Ok. I got tickets, then. Seven,right?"

"Six," Lisa corrected him.

Brief note from me, please comment me now and then. I have nine subscribers and only two let me know they're reading it, lately. And you've all read the last chapters. I appreciate constructive criticism, too. Pweady Pwease, comment :-)