

The flight dragged on, each time fifteen minutes passed someone was more and more miffed. Someone would be annoyed. Some one would pick a fight. Someone would annoy someone else. Someone would be too loud or obnoxious. Soumeone would talk to a flight attendant...Someone else would stubbornly refuse to submit to the attendants simple bidding- even pleas.

A tall woman who could have been a model strutted by in an ugly looking trendy outfit. It had nice shoes, Jenna had to admit. She went into the bathroom and then strutted back out with the same bombastic expression. Only this time with a bloody pad stuck on her left patent heel. Jenna jestured at Julie to look, smiling whimsically. Naturally at her discomfort. Julie burst into disruptive laughter. Once she forced herself to stop she decided to tell the lady.

She leaned into the lady at her seat. "Hey, you have a, um, *brief giggle* used..."

"Sh...t..." she loudly uttered at the sight.

"Ma'am! Please no profanity''...

The tall woman rolled her eyes and half-ran to the bathroom. Julie giggled as she plopped back down in the seat. "That entertained me for five minutes..." she muttered blandly.

Jenna turned her music on and closed her eyes. She just listened. She concentrated on the music itself.

A noise overtook her music, loud and echoey.

"Attention, passengers, there'll be a slight delay in reaching our destination. We're heading into a small storm and flying is not safe."

*Two hours of waiting later*

The balding business man was now argueing with the three kids who yelled back at him without embarrassment.

"We aren't being loud, you just being a priss!" The youngest looking one yelled, attempting to finalize and shut him up.

"Excuse me!" On edge, the attendant near screamed. "Sh-" She caught herself before telling them to shut up. ''ENOUGH! Do you need to be separeted like children?" The little girl cleared her throat as a hint. The frazzled woman groaned. "Sir, that's it. No more fighting. You're the adult!"

"I-" he began snobbily...

She glared and motioned for him to follow her through the red and silver curtains.

Half an hour more. All that's left. *sigh*


I'm going on vacation in two days; for a week so I won't be writing for a while. Even if I can write tomorrow, just letting you know...